The sorry plight of the people and the suffering of humanity made Guru Nanak as a young person very sad, He wondered why people have to suffer from birth to death, why, in spite of all the best efforts of a human being to attain happiness a person had to undergo pain and miseries. This made him pensive and often he remained silent for long periods contemplating upon the cause of human unhappiness. He found that almost everyone in life was unhappy, whether a person was rich or poor all suffered from some form of grief sooner or later and every human being was affected with some disease whether physical or emotional, No one remained happy always. His father, Mehta Kallu and members of the family wondered what was the cause of Nanak’s silence and contemplative moods. They thought hemi mysterious illness and called the Vaid, (a Physician) named Hari Das to cure Nanak.

When the Vaid Hari Das sought to check his pulse, Guru Nanak withdrew his arm and asked the physicia that there was nothing wrong with him, the cause of his sorrow and silence was the deep pain he felt within him for human suffering.

Everyone suffered from some illness or malady. He too, the vaid at the vaid and asked him, “Do you not suffer from the diseases of egoism and vainity, pri that they are suffering from such a deadly disease which separates them from God and eternal happiness. rods of the youthful Guru Nanak. He had indeed been vain and proud of his learning.

The vaid was surprised, shaken up and suddenly it dawned upon him how true were the w P which had made him arrogant and boastful. It was indeed a serious ailment. He immediately realized his failings and felt humbled. He requested Guru Nanak to let him know the remedy of his illness. The great doctor of the human soul said, “The name of God, (Naam) is the remedy of all ailments and miseries, Constant repetition of his name will make all disease disappear and impart true happiness.

The vaid understood the truth of Guru Nanak’s word sand from then became his devoted disciple. The very presence of Guru Nanak had imparted a feeling of peace and happiness which he had never experienced before. The words of Guru Nanak made him feel blessed.

Provided by: Bhai Tarlok Singh Sandhu, Fremont CA,

Article extracted from this publication >>July 2, 1993