Visiting the holy cities in Uttar Pradesh, Guru Nanak Dev Jee crossed into a thick, beast infested forest, beyond Benaras. As the holy travellers trudged along the forest path, discoursing on men and things, a band of fierce looking, half masked robbers, armed with Spears and swords, fell upon them.

Accosting Guru Nanak Dev Jee the robber chief said, “Stand and deliver whatever you have Or else we shall see the end of you, here and now!”

The Guru, unaffected by the awesome situation, gently replied, “My good men, you seem to have been long innured to a life of murder and pillage. Perhaps you have had no time to sit and think of the hell fires a waiting to engulf you at the end.

They certainly had not pondered over this side of their questionable conduct. Hearing the hard truth from the kindly but fearless form of the Guru, they became vividly aware of the etemal punishment a waiting their sins. They all began to tremble at the vision of hell fires consuming them and fell at the Guru’s feet deeply penitent.

The robber chief, now in a chastened mood, said, “Holy Sir, shall we really have to suffer the ordeal you speak of?” The Guru, pleased at this change of heart, replied, “Certainly, if you persists in evil. But if you swear never to inflict injury on others and earn your living by honest labor, giving a part of your income to the needy, you can still be saved.”

The Guru’s healing words fell like a welcome shower of rain on their parched hearts and they swore never to indulge in evil again.

Article extracted from this publication >>  September 24, 1993