Nawab Vazir Khan led an army of one million soldiers armed to teeth in the historic battle of Chamkaur. He shouted with the beat of drums for Gurus Surrender. However Guru Gobind Singh responded by flinging arrow upon arrow. None dared to step forward.
General Nahar Khan was narrowed down while climbing the fort. General Ghani Khans head was crushed down by Gurj.
In the fierce battle Sahibzadas Ajit Singh (19) and Jujhar Singh subscribed to Martyrdom fighting heroically against a million. It was the battle field of Chamkaur that they along with 40 Muktas displayed an indomitable spirit of great valor and determination when two elder sons made the supreme sacrifice the unusual father shouted “Sat Siri Akal” and thanked God that the debt had been repaid.” Jogi Allah Yar Khan very appropriately wrote thus.
Yuqub cried bitterly as Yusuf was separated from him has there ever been a prophet who sacrificed all the four sons and did not shed a tear?
There is only one holy place for pilgrimage in India where the father sacrificed his sons at the altar of God every spot of the earth at Chamkaur shines with Gods glory! The two elder sons of Guru were admitted into Khalsa holy order on Baisakhi day of 1699. Every evening they would fight mock battles with their friends. Guru occasionally watched with pride his sons at such military exercises. On December 201704 while crossing river Sirsa Bhai Jiwan Singh rescued Sahibzada Ajit Singh from the clutches of the advancing army of the enemy. In the battle Bhai Jiwan Singh obtained Martyrdom. Earlier the same day Bhai Ude Singh Commander in Chief of Gurus forces was the first to obtain Martyrdom in the fierce battle after leaving the Anandpur fort.
Article extracted from this publication >> November 6, 1992