W.S.O, Canada during its National Council Meeting held in Calgary over the weekend of September 1718, 1988 unanimously nominated S. Ram Raghbir Singh Chahal to fill in the vacuum of National President created by S. Gian Singh Sandhu’s assumption of International role as WSO) President. Mr. Chahal will assume his duties officially on September 25, 1988 after taking Amrit in Vancouver.

  1. Prem Singh Vinning was unanimously elected to replace S. Chahal as Senior Vice President of the Organization.

Both Mr, Chahal and Mr. Vinning are committed Sikhs to the cause of Sikhism and have worked with WSO since its formation four years ago.

JULLUNDUR, INDIA: Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi,

Making his first visit in three years to violence torn Punjab,

Promised to hold political talks on the future of the North

Indian State. “I will call all political parties for discussions

On the Punjab problem to counter violence and speed up

Development,” he told members of his Congress (I) Party.

Gandhi said those talks would not include Sikh Militants

Fighting a bloody campaign for an independent homeland.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 23, 1988