CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Govt has decided to approach Delhi to have the Central Bureau of Investigation to probe the murder of the newly elected Akali Dal MP, Jagdev Singh Khudian in September last year.

Khudian elected from the Faridkot Lok Sabha constituency disappeared from his village Khudian on the morning of December 28 within hours of returning from Delhi after taking oath as MP.

His body was found in the Rajasthan feeder canal on January 3.

An official spokesman said the decision was taken after Harbans Singh Rai a judge of the Punjab High Court turned in his findings recently.

Earlier the Govt had sought to hush the case as that of a suicide. Justice Rai was critical of the way the police handled the case.

The 39 page report pointed out several inconsistencies in the police investigation and concludes that there is an obvious attempt at a cover up.

The Akali-M president Simranjit Singh Mann was however not too sure whether the CBI would get at the truth as it was not necessarily an independent body. It was the same agency which had sent Kehar Singh an innocent person to the gallows in the Indira Gandhi case just to appease political masters, he said.

Article extracted from this publication >> May 4, 1990