NEW DELHI: India’s Sumita Laha lost possession of the world record in squats for a few minutes but lifted herself to regain the hold with an improved performance before New Zealand’s Cathy Millen hogged the honors on the second of the Women’s World Powerlifting Championships at Siri-fort Auditorium here.

On Tuesday, India gained their second bronze through Sarla Shetty in the 67.5 kg class before Sumita claimed silver in the 75- kg category. India, with 44 points, is now second behind Norway, who leads with 63 points in the race for the team championship.

Sumita, world record holder in the 75-kg category, with 225 kgs written against her name, was taken by surprise when Millen came up with an astonishing effort of 235 kgs and a world record to boot. However, Sumita still had enough reserves tocome back and post 235.5 kgs and regain the world record.

Thereafter, there was no stopping Millen. This 24-yr-old fitness consultant went on to smash the deadlift record of 230-kg by picking up a staggering, quite literally, 240-kg and in the process hoisted a world record of 602.5 kgs.

United States, the defending champions, won the last gold of the day when Shil by Corson edged out two challengers from Norway in a nail-biting finish, Siw Bakken, attempting 200-kg in the last dead- lift of the evening, just about failed to straighten herself and a jubilant Corson managed   to settle for bronze with a combined tally of 450.5 kgs. This was the second gold for the Americans.

But the contest of the day was witnessed in the squat competition in the 75-kg class. The battle was fierce and the world record was re-written no less than four times, First, Laha carried 220 before Millen raised it to 222.5 Laha tried in vain at 233-an at- tempt to improve her world mark by eight kgs. Millen, too, gave ita shot and succeeded. Laha, bounced back and wrested the record with 234 kgs. Millen showed no signs of giving up and once again improved it, this time by a kilo.

The pressure was now on Laha to come up with something with- out a parallel. And she did. Laha quietly lifted 235.5 and removed all doubts about her ability.

“I am stronger in squats,” lamented Laha after the event. “My problem is gnp,’ said the seven- time national champion showing her small palm and even smaller fingers, “Millen is too powerful in deadlift and see, she proved it too,” said Laha, undoubtedly the strongest woman in the country. Millen was relaxed, making light of her bleeding shin and thighs. “I was not under any pressure to do well, said the world record holder in deadlift in 82.5 kg category, “I knew I could always make it up in deadlift and I am happy the way it went, said Millen.

Millen had come for this championship to compete in 82.5 kg class but had lost weight on her way and could not regain it in the hot conditions prevailing in the Capital.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 12, 1991