CHANDIGARH: Ten young Sikhs were brutally killed in Dera Baba Nanak sector and five were killed in Khem Karan sector by Border Security Force in two separate incidents. According to B.S.F sources these men were trying to enter India from across Pakistan. Talking to the reporters Deputy Commissioner and S.S.P. Gurdaspur disclosed that the ten Sikhs killed in the Dera Baba Nanak sector were unarmed. They were all Amritdhari Sikhs and were wearing the Sikh religious symbols including small daggers. They all had Indian currency in their pockets and the amount in each case was quite small. They were all within the age group of 20-35.

Police have identified six of the victims Those identified include Nihang Surta Singh of Kalanaur Gurinder Singh of Bhagowal. Both were wanted by the police and carried a reward of 5000 rupees each on their heads. Third identified person was Karan Singh of Harowal. Police sources disclosed in Chandigarh that Narinder Singh of Sultanwind was also among those killed Police have also come to know that three of the killed belonged to Sirhind area.

In the Khern Karan sector B.S.F killed five Sikhs on the night of August 31. According to B.S.F. sources five persons were killed and one escaped into Pakistan when B.S.P. patrols opened fire on a group trying to enter India from Pakistan.

In joint statement A.I.S.S.F leaders S.Kuldip Singh Kahlon S.Mukhwinder Singh Sandhu and S.Baldey Singh Bal charged B.S.F. for fabricating a story of encounter in the Dera Baba Nanak sector They claimed that the victims were picked up earlier from various villages and taken to the border where they were murdered in cold blood. They condemned inaction of B.S.F and warned the government against this policy of murdering Sikhs. They called for an immediate stop to the set beastly acts.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 13, 1991