is a lawyer by profession and represents 45th district in California as a Republican. He belongs to San Diego and was born on May 31, 1948 at Riverside, California. He is married to Lynne Layh. He secured his J.D. fromm Western State University and also served in the U.S. Army. He is a member of Armed Services and Select Narcotics Committees.

Another tragic meant ignores is bonded labor. This brutal fact of Indian life one virtually to slavery. Over 2.5 million Indians who have borrowed money must work indefinitely 10 pay off debt which, due to excessive interest, grows faster than they can pay itback. While technically illegal since 1976, this system remains pervasive as the laws are not enforced, As the Economist points out”… all 100 often in India such laws have no effect because nobody takes any notice of them”. And neither the states nor the central government seem interested in enforcing the law”.

Most bonded laborers have borrowed $40$80 and pay interest often over 50% per year. The value of the individual’s Labour is determined by the lender. When the interest builds up quicker than the worker can pay it back the laborer becomes trapped in a spiral debt. Many never get out of bondage, and those who die before their debt is repaid must be replaced by a family member.

Article extracted from this publication >>  June 26, 1987