On the occasion of the first anniversary of the WSO on July 28, 1985, I appeal to Sikhs all over the world to rededicate themselves to the Sikh cause and honestly and sincerely fulfill the commands of our great Gurus who created Khalsa as sovereign and free from bonds of slavery, with a clear cut mission to fight against injustice, oppression and tyranny and to serve, suffer and sacrifice for the cause of mankind. If we search our hearts, we will conclude that many of us have forgotten the ideals set by our Gurus and have started putting ego before cause, self before Panth and ambition before Sewa. For these reasons, some of the individuals and societies find it difficult to merge their identity with the WSO, not because of any differences with WSO aims and objectives but because of their ambition to control the organization and to manipulate prominent positions for themselves. Some societies and individuals oppose WSO without being its members purely out of frustration, minor jealousies and rivalries with those who are trying to help this umbrella organization to grow. In spite of the above problems, I am happy to report to Sangat that the teething troubles are over now. The WSO has come to stay as a living organization of Sikhs with branches in all the countries. The Organization has well defined aims and objectives and a written constitution which enjoins upon its members to promote and follow the teachings of the Gurus, to strive peacefully for the establishment of a Sikh nation, work for the promotion of the ideals of universal brotherhood, peace, justice and freedom, respect for cultural diversity and human dignity as per the covenants of U.N.O. and above all to protect Sikh interests all over the world.
Elections have now been held in Canada and U.S.A. and are shortly due in U.K.; Europe, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Africa have elected/selected members for the U.S.O. General Assembly and National councils. India has also nominated seven members.
WSO has made some progress in other fields such as
(1) the publication of World Sikh News the mouthpiece of W.S.O. It is a newspaper that is brought out every week from Stockton;
(2) Lobbying efforts are a continuing process in all countries to bring out before the world true facts regarding the unjust and ruthless treatment meted out to Sikhs in India. In this respect many pamphlets have been reprinted and distributed;
(3) Financial aid has been sent to Sikh victims and refugees in India through Salvation Army and other agencies;
(4) Children adopting program is in progress;
(5) Many other projects are in the offering. Amrit Sanchar, being essential part of WSO program, has been given top priority.
I appeal to the Khalsa:
(a) to treat all Sikhs as their ‘Gurbhais’ and cease campaign of slander and falsehood against each other which only helps our adversaries;
(b) to fully cooperate with WSO and assist in strengthening the organization to shape the destiny of the Sikh nation as ordained by our Gurus. This can be done by organizing membership drive and by raising funds;
(c) work for projecting good image of Sikhs all over the world and combat false propaganda by the enemies who are labeling us procommunist, terrorists and extremists;
(d) protect human rights of Sikhs and other minorities in India by educating the western world regarding genocide of minorities and oppression let loose on the Sikhs by the Govt. of India. ; Doors of WSO are open for all Sikhs at all times who believe in its aims and objectives. I appeal to all those who have been sitting on the fence, particularly intellectuals, to join the organization and contribute towards fulfilling the destiny of the Khalsa.
Finally I thank all individuals and Sikh societies who have worked hard to make WSO a success, particularly Sikh Societies of Canada, U.S.A., Norway, Holland, England, Germany, Belgium and Australia. I also thank World Sikh News and Indo Canadian Times for projecting the correct image of the organization.
Article extracted from this publication >> July 26, 1985