NEW DELHI: Even as senior Congress leader H.K_L. Bhagat appeared at Karkardooma Courts for his alleged involvement in a 1984 riot case, bailable warrants were issued against him in another anti Sikh riot case the same year, The complaint was filed by a riot victim, Darshan Kaur, whose husband was killed in the riots, through an affidavit in the court of the Additional District and Sessions Judge, Mr. S.N. Dhinera. While issuing bailable warrant against the former Minister, Mr. Dhingra asked Mr. Bhagat to appear in court. On the next date. Of, end falling on March 18, ‘The complainant, in her affidavit, had stated that Mr, Bhagat, on November 1, 1984 and with a strong, posse of police, visited the Trilokpuri, area in East Delhi in a car along with, a large group of rioters and directed: them to “do whatever they want, after their mother like figure has been killed.”

Article extracted from this publication >>  March 6, 1996