NEW DELHI: The Punjab Chief Minister, Beant Singh, called on the Prime Minister, P.V Narasimha Rao, on Dec; 7.and discussed the transfer of Chandigarh to Punjab issue among other things.

According to sources close to the Chief Minister, the Prime Minister was not averse to taking up the Punjab problem now as there was need for strengthening the forces of stabilization Beant Singh apprised the Prime Minister about taking the initiative as people from getting restive. The gains achieved during the past two years could be consolidated only when the Center showed some response, Beant Singh also wanted that interest burden to the tune of Rs 650 crore is deferred at least for the time being if not waived off altogether so that his government could take steps for development. He pointed out that state was passing through a financial crisis and unless Plan funds were hiked and interest burden reduced, it would be very difficult to manage the growing economy. The Prime Minister reportedly appreciated the way Beant Singh had handled the situation in the State not only on the law and order front but also in the field of industrial growth and economy.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 17, 1993