CHANDIGARH: The Babbar Khalsa International which has emerged as an influential militant, underground outfit of Punjab’s Sikhs, has sought international support against Indias exploitation of Punjab’s river water resources as well as extortion of its wheal

In a statement circulated among local newsmen, the B.K.I. high command leaders Sukhdev Singh, Wadhawa Singh, Mahal Singh, Kulwant Singh, Amrik Singh and Joginder Singh asked the European Economic Community, United Nations, Amnesty International and other human rights organizations to investigate how Punjab’s water had been forcibly diverted to Haryana and Rajasthan and how Punjab farmers wheat was being extorted at dirt cheap rate of Rs 280 per quintal as compared to the current international market price of Rs 600 per quintal,

The B.K.I. owned responsibility for the killing of Dr.D.S. Tyagi, India-appointed chairman of agricultural costs and prices commission in Delhi “because he represented a lobby that always discriminated against the Sikh farmers of Punjab.” The commission, it said, was looking after the interests of Brahaman-Bania government at the cost of Sikh farmers of this region. The commission was instrumental in first destroying Sikhs economically and then destroying them culturally, linguistically and religiously.

Tic B.K.I. Thus viewed the river water and wheat issues as closely linked to Indias attack on Sikhs religion and their political interests . The militant organization put the Indian government in the dock by stating that it itself was violating its own constitution by not respecting Punjab’s nights to its river waters.

The B.K.I, leadership drew worlds attention to the current situation in Punjab’s rural areas where wheat was forcibly being procured by India from Sikh farmers.

The statement for the first Time revealed the militants commitment to protect Punjab’s economic interests when the B.K.I, challenged India to prove that it was not violating international law as well Indias own constitution in the matter of river water. The B.K.L.”s approach is in sharp contrast with the policies and pronouncements of Akalis on the river water issue as well as on the wheat issue. Akalis are still harping on the “non-implementation” of “agreements” such as the Rajiv Longowal accord by the Center, It was through this so-called agreement that India sought to takeaway Punjab’s river water to Haryana through the S.Y.L. canal, The Akalis approach to the recent boycott of wheat markets by farmers is reflected by a Bharti Kisan Union statement that none of the six Akali groups lent support to the boycott in practical terms.

The B.K.L also drew the worlds attention towards certain little known facts of Punjab’s river waters. It said that India dug out irrigation canals through Punjab’s territory and lined these canals with bricks and mortar so that there is no seepage of the canal water. AS a result the water table in Punjab is going down. If the current trend continues, there is the danger of the entire state becoming barren in 20 years.

The B.K.I. also wondered at the manner in which the Indian government had planned afforestation in Punjab. The traditional trees of Punjab such as kikar, karir, jand, pipal, toot and tahli had been replaced by eucalypti, This foreign tree which feeds mills located mostly outside Punjab.

The B.K.I. said that Sikhs had so far been tolerating Indias exploitation of Punjab’s river water resources as well as food grains on larger considerations of human rights but now that India was bent upon violating Sikhs human rights by killing their sons and daughters, it was time for Sikhs to give a befitting reply to Indian colonialists..

Article extracted from this publication >> May 22, 1992