10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Saturday December 21 Come in for a visit!
- Free blood pressure check
- Free physician seminars on preventing heart attacks
- Free first aid kits
- Continuous health care videos
- Clowns and balloons
- Tours throughout the day
Kids, free medical exams for your toy dolls!
Indian hors d’oeuvres will be served. We’ve brought advanced medical care home!
Senrit Singh Sekhon, M.D.
Heartily Congratulates The Sikh Community on The 281st Gurugaddi Diwas of Guru Granth Sahib Ji
Dr. Sekhon Appeals to The Sikh Community of North America To Attend Nagar Kirtan, Being Organized by the Sangat of Yuba City on Sunday, Nov. 6th, 1988
The Nagar Kirtan Will Start From Gurdwara Sahib Tierra Buenna Yuba City at
11:00 a.m. on Nov. 6th, 1988 All Sikhs are Invited to Attend
Article extracted from this publication >> November 4, 1988