BOMBAY: Close on the heels of the kidnapping and rescue drama of Ameena last month a similar case has come to light following the arrest of a 44-yr-old Arab at the Sahar International Airport for allegedly marrying a 14-yrold slum girl from Bombay and trying to whisk her away to Abu Dhabi.
The episode incidentally had taken place on August 4 much before the sensational aborted kidnapping of Ameena. It was on August 4 that alert immigration officials spotted Ruksana Begum a teenager from Mulund tagging behind Mushada Mamid a UAE national. On checking of the travel documents the officials found Begum’s passport to be allegedly forged.
The case was handed over to the airport police and DCP S.B.Kulkarni (airport zone) started questioning the girl. Ruksana revealed that she was the sister-in-law of Hamid (her elder sister is Hamid’s first wife in Dubai who recently expired leaving behind children) but had been married off recently to Hamid.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 13, 1991