Dear Brother Dr. Gurpartap Singh Birk:

Sat Siri Akal

Received your letter dated Nov. 15th, 1987, Thanks for writing these two good poems, which Lam presenting for the Sikh Sangat.

When People Lose the Sense of Fear,

The Dreadful shall befall; But Life is Neither Sad Nor Drear,

To One Who Lives It All. The Heavenly Reason Never Strives,

Yet Is Its Purpose Pure; Though It Speaks Not, nor Seems Alive,

Its Victory Is Sure.

The Holy Man Prepares the Plot,

But Does Not Claim the Yield, He Quickens But Possesses Not;

Acts, But Remains Concealed

He Merits Much, but Does Not Ask,

That Any Grant That Same;

He Finds His Pleasure in the Taste

And Fears To Find It Fame. Not Ever Boasting Of His Worth,

No One Desires To Dim; Not Prizing Treasures of the Earth,

No One Will Steal From Him.

Yesterday, we celebrated Guru Nanak’s Birthday.

‘On this day tread the 1st poem and told that the bottom line is:

“If The Purpose Is Pure, Then The Victory Is Sure”.

Previously 1 was thinking that the walls of Lewisburg are high but after reading this, one would finalize that your ideas are far higher than those walls! The 2nd poem explains the qualities of a selfless leader. A few years ago I Was reading a book of quotations ‘one quotation goes as below:

“The difference between a statesman and a politician is that a Statesman thinks about the next generation, whereas a politician thinks about the next election”.

I sincerely hope that we should serve a free lunch to the homeless ‘on Guru Nanak’s Birthday and let the public know that free lunch is an essential feature of the Sikh tradition. We are planning to have this humanitarian service at least twice year. Sikh Sangat says Sat Sri Akal and greetings to you on ‘Guru Nanak’s Birthday. Best Wishes.

Amolak Singh New Orleans.

Article extracted from this publication >>  December 18, 1987