TARN TARAN: An 18pr old Sikh boy met WSN at a village stronghold of the fiercely nationalistic Babbar Khalsa. Speaking on condition of anonymity, he tells WSN of his hopes, dreams and aspirations.
The eyes shine with a fervor unlikely in one so young. “My fight is a war on oppression and as a Sikh I would gladly lay down my life. We are winning in this just cause to liberate Sikhs once and for all from slavery”.
The Indian govt call every kind ‘terrorists’. The youth is visibly angered, “The govt is doing all the worst possible things in the countryside to bring us a bad name but the people can no longer be fooled. I can freely go to any village and will be provided food and shelter. I am looked upon not in fear but welcomed as a son. Only the cops, thieves extortionist and govt agents fear us and rightly so because they are the only ones we target. The police are so scared of us that they dare not attack us unless they are in huge strength and that too only during the daytime. At night we move about freely, hold meetings and visit people”.
Do you think Khalistan will ever be a reality? We have already liberated most of the Amritsar, Tarn Taran, Ferozepur and Gurdaspur areas, he says with a proud smile.
Who looks after your family? I have 2 younger brothers ‘One is eager to join me as are ‘most of the youth in my village, But I had to send my brother back twice. He must wait till T die. He is only sixteen,
Would you have no regrets, don’t you want to get married? “And leave behind a widow and orphans No that I came to terms with myself when I gave my life to the cause of the Khalistan. I was shaken by operation Bluestar. At that time I was only 12 yrs. Old, My parents not only know what I am doing but are proud of me. There is much talk in the press that Sikh nationalist organisations fight among themselves. This is not true. We cooperate with each other.
This correspondent was amazed at the cheerfulness and the alert mind of the youth who almost certainly will embrace martyrdom.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 28, 1990