Sir: Professor Jagmohan Singh was arrested under the Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act on October 12 at Bombay and is now being kept in Rajpura Tahsil. Punjab. We, as members of Amnesty International, express our concern that Prof. Jagmohan SIngh is held under laws which allow prolonged detention without charge or trial and that he may be detained fro his political views. We are also concerned at the possibility that he may be subjected to torture or ill-treatment during interrogation by the Punjab police.

We ask for an immediate and impartial investigation into reports that Prof, Jagmohan Singh was ill-treated and that a confessional Statement was obtained from him under duress. If these reports are true, such a statement should not be used as evidence against him, as is the normal practice in Indian law and under international human rights standards.

We urge the Indian Government to either release Prof. Jagmohan Singh or charge and try him under ordinary procedures criminal law with full legal safe.

Article extracted from this publication >>  February 17, 1989