AMARBIR SINGH (Sonny): Amarbir and his sweet better half, Amrit (Dolly) suddenly became a house hold name when Kuckee (Ranjit Gill) and Sukhi (Sukhminder Singh Sandhu) were arrested by F.B.I. at their gas and service station “Liberty Auto Care Center, New Jersey”, on May 15, 1987.
Amarbir, known in his close circles as Sunny, suddenly developed a depressed mood, when he was asked to narrate the events and circumstances of this unlucky incident which led to the arrest of his dear friends from his college days. Even it became difficult for Dolly, who had hardly a day’s association with her husband’s friends to control her tears, when she recalled the horrible scene of their arrest. Dolly proudly mentions of the drive, she provided to Ranjit Gill on his arrival from Los Angeles to New Jersey, only a day prior to their arrest.
Amarbir was born to Mrs. And Col. Surinder Singh at village Shakarpur, Distr. Jullundur on January 23, 1962. He got his matriculation certificate from R.IM.C. Dehra Dun in 1979. After doing preEngineeing course, Sunny joined Guru Nanak Engineering College, Ludhiana, following the footsteps of his father, who was a distinguished Engineer in the corps of Engineers as Colonel. Sunny was awarded the degree of B.E. in Mechanical Engineering in 19R2
Amarbir soon got an assignment as an Engineer in Saudi Arabia, where he served for about 18 months to the entire satisfaction of his superiors. At this stage, a wedding proposal with Dolly prompted his immigration to U.S.A. in Jan. 1985. The couple locked themselves in marriage bond in February, 1985, and now they are the proud parents of a son, Virkaram, at present two years old.
Young Amarbir has established himself in business with the guidance of his illustrious father-in-law, S. Gurmit Singh. Amarbir has a thorough knowledge of political thought and philosophy of the Sikhs. Although, he has to devote much of his time to establish and promote his business interests, but still, Sunny and Dolly do not lack behind in fulfilling their duty to wards the community and in sharing the joys and sorrows of their friends and relatives. The young couple has a bright future.
Article extracted from this publication >> April 22, 1988