The Akal Academy is an English medium coeducational residential school run on central board of secondary education in India. The establishment of Akal Academy is an endeavor universal brotherhood and uplift of humanity as professed by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, besides imparting scientific education to Sikh boys and girls. It was established by Sant Teja Singh Ji MA LLB (Punjab), AM (Harvard) at the request of Bhai Sahib Bhai Vir Singh Ji.
It is a resident school in which students are admitted from the first to the twelfth grade. They pass out with the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education.
The medium of instruction is English. The school has about three hundred students.
It is a unique institution of learning where worldly education is combined with spiritual education contained in the Sikh scriptures and Gurbani. The institution strives at developing the youth into a trained intellect which would enable them to adjust themselves well in this fast changing world. Scientific education is blended with moral and spiritual values.
The academy is situated in a valley of divine and eternal peace, in the Himalayas at the elevation of 4000 ft above the sea level amidst lush green vegetation, fruit orchards, springs with mineral water and streams. It is a must for every Sikh parent to make their children aware of their cultural heritage. For further details write to; Kalgidhar Trust Akal Academy, Gurdwara BARU SAHIB MACHHER, Tehsil PACHHAD, DIST, SIRMORE ( Himachal Pradesh India)
(Limited number of prospectus are also available from WSN).
Article extracted from this publication >> July 28, 1989