NEW YORK: The president of Indian Hockey Federation and former Director-general of Punjab Police, K.P.S. Gill, was refused flight accommodation last week on security grounds, reports say. Reports say, Gill could not fly from New York to Atlanta after arriving from India on July 17,however could not be confirmed with airlines or in the Olympic Games host city. A member of the Indian National Olympic Committee, LK. Daga, said from Atlanta July 25 that he knew of north “a of Gill’s airline experience in New York. But he said the former director-general of the Punjab Police had visited the committee’s headquarters in Olympic Village three days before and that he was moving about the city “under tight security.” “He was here for about an hour but all he talked about was hockey,” Daga said of Gill’s visit to the committee. Gill did not respond to several phone messages left at his hotel in Atlanta. Gill arrived in New York on \ne same night as the crash of TWA flight 800 off Long Island in which 230 persons died. “All the airlines flying to Atlanta refused to book him on their planes,” the airlines considered him “a major security threat.” Spokesmen for two of the seven airlines that currently fly between New York and Atlanta, Delta and Continental, apparently reflecting general airlines’ policy, said they could not comment on passenger matters or on matters relating to security.
After being refused airline passage to Atlanta, Gill was able to proceed after a “special party” of 16 Federal and local security personnel was sent by games organizers and government agencies from Atlanta to bring him there by train. Security personnel were quoted to have said that the airlines had refused passage to Gill because “after the [TWA] crash they didn’t want to take any chance. The airlines have the information that Mr. Gillis under threat, and so they just refused to fly him in. This spring, 51 members of the U.S. Congress sent a letter to Secretary of State Warren Christopher urging him not to allow Gill to obtain a U.S. visa to come to the Olympics. The lawmakers, members of both major parties, called Gill “a well-known human rights violator” and warned Christopher that Gill’s presence in Atlanta “would attract heated protests from the Sikh community and would be an unwelcome disruption and a potential threat to the general security of the athletes and spectators.”
The letter was sent at the urging of the Council of Khalistan, the principal Sikh lobbying group on Capitol Hill, headed by Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh. The council charged that under Gill’s command the Punjab Police “unleashed a reign of terror on the civilian population that was shocking in scope and continues today.” A State Department source said after the letter was sent that it was unlikely a visa would be denied to Gill.
On June 29, Gill was denied permission to leave for Atlanta by the Chandigarh Chief Judicial Magistrate, Darshan Singh, because of a pending decision in a misdemeanor sexual harassment case against him. However, in a ruling by the Indian Supreme Court on July 15, Gill was given permission to travel to Atlanta, the justices ordering the Chandigarh magistrate to delay his ruling in the harassment case.
As head of the Indian Hockey Federation, Gill has an IOC accreditation, a document reportedly being treated as a U.S. visa for the duration of the games. Most Indian officials, athletic participants and news reporters covering the games did not apply for an American visa and are traveling on the authority provided by their IOC accreditation. It is understood that Gill used his Olympics accreditation document to enter the United States.
This is how the Indian Government rewards Sikhs who butcher their own People!!!
K.P.S. Gill killer of over 30,000 Sikhs is rewarded for his alcohol induced butchery as part of India’s entourage to the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. This is how much the Indian government respects the sentiments of Sikhs. You should also realize that Khalistani Americans will not tolerate letting this man walk the streets of America. He has been a virtual prisoner during his entire stay in the United States. India will only allow people like K.P.S. Gill and Beant Singh to rule over the Sikhs—and the more Sikhs they kill—the more power and prestige these traitors enjoy from their Delhi masters.
Article extracted from this publication >> August 6, 1996