PASADENA, CA: Three talented young Drama students were honored at the annual Awards dinner of The Fine Arts Club of Pasadena on June 11 at Caltech’s Athenaeum. Certificates and checks for $1000 were presented to Veena Bidasha Sikh student of Cal State U. Fullerton. She had been selected after a two day audition from top students chosen by the heads of 25 Dramatic Academics and schools.
Veena Bidasha’s combined talents as actress, singer and dancer led to standing ovations from audiences who saw her in the lead of “My Fair Lady”. She had appeared in “West Side Story”, other musicals, films and television roles.
“You can protect your liberties in this world only by protecting other men’s freedom.
You can be free only if I am free.” He who loves not his country can love nothing BYRON
Article extracted from this publication >> July 13, 1990