Warren Anderson is wanted by the Bhopal, India District Court for his role in causing one of the. world’s ‘worst industrial disasters 10 years ago. ‘The December 1984 release of toxic gases from Union Carbide’s Bhopal pesticide plant killed as many as 10,000 and injured hundreds of thousands of Bhopal residents. Former Union Carbide CEO Anderson was arrested in Bhopal, let out on bail, and later charged by India’s Central Bureau of Investigation with culpable homicide.

The Bhopal court asked the Indian government to extradite, but the State Department says it has received no such request, and Indian diplomatic sources confirmed no request for his extradition has been forwarded to the U.S. Justice Department Judge Gulab Sharma of the Bhopal court also published a legal notice in the Washington Post on January 1, 1992. notifying Anderson that he had absconded from justice and ordering him to appear in court. He stated that since Anderson could not be found, the fugitive could not be served with an arrest warrant. Union Carbide wont’ release Anderson’s address. On Feb, 23, CAQ notified Anderson of our story. He refused comment. His lawyer, Raymond Bergan, said on Mar. 9 that “within the last 10 days,” he had notified the Dept. of Justice in writing that Anderson was available “anytime they want” to receive a warrant. Now, let justice be done.


Article extracted from this publication >>  July 14, 1995