
All the existing Sikh organizations should concentrate in their area of specialization bearing in mind that no organization will duplicate this work.

Every Sikh Organization should be treated as equal and in no way inferior to the other. All organizations should hold a Sarbat Khalsa and create an information center for the Sikh nation by feeding in all the information about their activities and by getting a feedback from them about the activities of other Sikh organizations. The management body of this Information Centre should be selected jointly by all the Sikh Organizations at the Sarbat Khalsa. Information Centre should act as a coordinating body. It will inform an inquiring Sikh organization as to whether in performing the work in question, it is duplicating any work.

This information center should not pose or act as an umbrella organization as this will defeat the very purpose of the center, because no Sikh Organization would wish to lose its autonomous character.

If we can achieve this much, we would have overcome a big obstacle in the way of unity. These are hard times for the Sikh Nation as the dividing forces are active in their efforts. It is time for the Sikhs to act and united march toward their goal and no power on earth can stop them from reaching their destination.

‘With best wishes for success and Chardi Kala to the Guru Panth.

Kuldeep Singh Toledo, OH

Article extracted from this publication >> May 11, 1990