WE the Canadian Sikhs are extremely disturbed by the recent attack on the Golden

Temple once again by the Indian army and para-military units.

Although, we do not expect the on-going official policy of extermination of the various minority groups including the Sikhs to end in the foreseeable future, we would like to remind the Indian government that these horrific actions by the authorities are being fully monitored and documented by the ‘Western media.

In 1947, power was transferred to Congress (I) with hopes that rule of law, justice and true democracy will be ushered in India and all minorities will be able to enjoy the glow of freedom, the non-store persecution of Muslims, Christians Sikhs and Hindus of the untouched able castes has demonstrated that these hopes were misplaced and that Congress (I) has introduced extreme fascist methods to suppress the masses.

We would like to remind you the Nazi power which in its heyday never expected to be brought to justice. To this day forty year: after the Nazi war participating criminals are being hunted and brought to justice.

The fundamentalist Hindus and their mouth-piece Congress (I) should not for one minute believe that the genocide of the Sikhs and other minorities in India can be hidden for ever.

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