MISSISSUGUA, ONTARIO: Recently Jasjit developed a computer technique to identify brain aneurysm in the Magnetic Resonance Angiographic brain data. This can help surgeons and physicians to plan out their brain surgery before entering the surgery theater room. Brain surgery can be pre-planned on the graphics work station which is a 200000 dollar machine. By this program a neurosurgeon can know where a hidden aneurysm is located inside the brain and how to surgically operate to remove this life threatening disaster. His work has already been accepted for International Conferences. On asking Jasjit what his dream was in Computers he said I want to make an engine which can fulfill a Medical Doctors dream on asking what he meant by that he said a computer more powerful than a surgeon in which the knife of the surgeon would be the mouse of computer operation theater will be the computer monitor (screen) and human body in operation will be the object. He is now working in Ultrasound Imaging and PET/ MRI fusion for studying the brain anatomy of fetus in 3D and 4D. He has published several papers in the areas of medical computer science which relates cardiovascular neurological and dental diagnostics and recently planned to present a technique to burn tumors in the heart area from CT data using lasers in radiation treatment planning. This will help the heart surgeons in pre and post-operative heart surgery.
Jasjit received his BS in Computer Engineering MS in Computer Science with outstanding academic excellence and currently in Ph.D program in medical Computer Engineering with all on scholarship He also cleared his MBA exam and plans to concentrate on cardiovascular and neurological health care management as he thinks that the major source of deaths in the world is due to heart and brain cancer.
He is recipient of Presidents gold medal award for the all-around of 1980 and Governor’s state award for the all-rounder of 1981 and holds several state and national laurels in India One of Jasjits spectacular achievements is that just after his BS he was invited by Engineering Board as a junior faculty to teach computer course in one of the best Engineering Institute of India. This is an exceptional honor awarded to a graduating student. His Gursikh parents grandparents and family from Toronto New York California and Florida is very proud of him. We all join hands to congratulate these excellent young brilliant Gursikh who has very high ambitions in his life. May Satguru bless him with more knowledge and strength? Jasjit wishes to pay respects and thanks to his professor’s friends and Sikh world for the inspiration and feels that Saiguru would bless honest and hardworking people
Article extracted from this publication >> June 12, 1992