The All India Catholic Union (AICU), which represents 14 million Catholics of India in public life, is deeply perturbed at the developments prior and subsequent to what happened in Ayodhya. Every sane Indian is ashamed of what happened on December 6. Every Indian is also in some way responsible for what happened. All of us must share the blame and the shame. Firstly, all politicians are to blame. Our entire judicial system also cannot be absolved for its procrastination.
The medias also largely to blame for often bowing to the demands of sensationalistic reporting, without sufficient objectivity. Our religious leaders are also guilty, for missing religion with politics.
Finally, each Indian is to blame for having voted for such politicians, for craving sensationalism, for being unable to resolve disputes amicably and for our religious intolerance.
The damage has been done. It is time for each Indian to sit up and think, what legacy do we want to bestow on our children? Do we want peace, prosperity and Progress; or do we opt for violence, hatred and regression? Each one of us must decide where we want to go from Ayodhya.
Article extracted from this publication >> April 9, 1993