NORTH YORK: Recently, Ant Eagleton, Liberal Member of Parliament for York Center, held a community dinner at St. Wilfred’s Parish Hall.
The Art Eagleton Liberal Funfest was a great success. Members of the surrounding business community and volunteers donated their time and efforts to welcome as many be sleds possible and the event sold Out “This event was an excellent opportunity for me to keep in touch with the people of the community and hear first-hand their views on the important issues of the day,” said Eagleton. “The community spirit expressed through this event is part of what makes York Center such a great place to represent in ‘Parliament Jesse Randhawa, President of the York Center Federal Liberal Association said that “the Association is already looking forward to organizing the 1996 Funfest. It was pleasure to see our community members come together to share in the fun and enjoy the music provided by members of the North York Philharmonic Orchestra.”
Article extracted from this publication >> January 3, 1996