May 31, 1995
Media representatives are invited to attend the World Sikh Organization Annual Parliamentary Dinner on June 5, 1995.
This annual dinner is held to commemorate the Attack on the Golden Temple of Amritsar by the Indian government over ten years ago, where many members of the Sikh religion were massacred while practising their faith in peace. Under the guise of “national security” the Indian army’s “Operation Bluestar” had over 50,000 army personnel storm the Golden Temple in Amritsar and 38 other historic Sikh Gurdwaras in Punjab, in 1984. The carnage in India continues with documented reports of extra-judicial killings, staged encounters, and involuntary disappearances, that number in the thousands on an annual basis. Amnesty International has stated that “the brutality and killings in Jam.mu & Kashmir and in Punjab represents one of the great human rights tragedies of our time…” and “torture (in Punjab and Kashmir) and illtreatment is widespread and systematic, resulting in scores of deaths in police custody”. Even the US State Department has reported that “Over 41,000 cash bounties were paid to police in Punjab for extrajudicial lollings of Sikhs between 1991 and 1993”. This month, Indian troops burned to the ground a centuries old mosque and hundreds of muslim homes in the neighbourhoods surrounding it. Sikhs in Punjab, Muslims in Kashmir, Christians in Nagaland, Dalits… – no minorities are safe in India.
The WSO Parliamentary Dinner encourages discussion and dialogue·of human rights issues within Canada and beyond our own borders. Guests are invited to Room 200 of the West Block of Parliament Hill where MPs, embassy delegates and members of non-governmental organizations, will join the Sikh community, to hear from some very distinguished speakers. Guest speakers include: The Honourable Herb Gray, Solicitor General and Government House Leader; Congressman John T. Doolittle (R-Cal); Palbinder Shergill, LLB. The keynote address will be given by Mr. Herb Dhaliwal who has recently returned from India and other countries where civil and political rights are consistently abused. We invite you to attend the activities scheduled for June 5, 1995 and enjoy some Punjabi cuisine_
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For further information, please call: Ms. Anne Lowthian, WSO Head Office (613) 723-2026/ (613) 523-1080.
lllnrlb @iklt <@rgani5attnn
-:a8&1 ffitf »11aain1elfien
HEAD OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 – Menvale Oepo1: • Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2C3S7 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290
The World Sikh Organization bas learned that Jaswant Singh Khalra. who recently ited Omadian Parliamentarians only two months ago (to apprise them of continuing human rights abuses in India), was forcibly arrested this morning from his home in Amritsar.
Though details are sketchy. we are advised by sources in the Punjab that Mr. Khalra may be detained in Tarn Tarn. India. without charges. Reports have indicated that while washing bis car. the soft-spoken human rights activist was abducted by police officials, with no explanation or justification offered to family members.
It is believed that Mr. Khalra.. the General Secretary of the Human Rights Wing of the Shiromani Akali Dal. was arrested because he was the lead investigator in a case that incriminated the Superintendent of the Tarn Tarn Police Force. Mr. Khalra’s investigation brought to international scrutiny the cremation grounds found in India that contained over 25,000 bodies of civilians. 6,000 of these bodies were annl>uted to the illegal. tortuous actions of the Tam Tam Police Force. All the 25,000 bodies were proven to be victims of extrajudicial klllings by Police.involuntary disappearances(a common method of police intimidation).and false encounters that are often staged by Indian officials.
Mr. Khalra’s relatives in the UK.and his friends here in Canada, sincerely hope that Indian officials will NOT make this human rights activist another statistic to be found in other cremation grounds that are suspected to be scattered throughout India.
Mr. Khalra has lead a strong international campaign to educate people on the continuing violence perpetrated against civilians in India. The constant persecution of his peers has inspired former high coun justice. Ajit Singh Bains, Simranjit Singh Mann, and Mr. Khalra, to focus international attention on the daily crimes committed against humanity in India. Unfonunatety all three of these philanthropists have faced the retnl>ution of Indian officials for their commitment to the rights of humanity. We hope Mr. Khalra will not languish in jail, without charges. for the same duration as Justice Bains, or S.S. Mann.
We hope the international media will publicize the plight of Mr. Khalra, as there is a considerable fear for his safety while he is unlawfully incarcerated by the Superintendent for Police in Tarn Tam, India.
– 30 –
For further information, please contact Anne E. Lowthian, (613) !23-2826, (613) 523-1080.
Dlorlh @,fklt ®rgani5atinn
;:as&1 »t1aalx1eli4ao
HEAD OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 • Merivale Depot• Nepean, Ontario. Canada• K2C 3S7• Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290
SEPTEMBER 25, 1995
Jaswant Singh K.halra, General Secretary for the Human Rights Wing of the Shiromani Alcali Dal, disappeared on the morning of September 6, 1995. Eye-witness accounts of the abduction that note license plate numbers, have alleged the involvement of police officials from three different districts in Amritsar. These witnesses have sworn statements with the Supreme Coun that police officers abducted Mr. Khalra from bis home noting the licence plate of the van used in the abduction. Though the government denies any involvement in the crime, the van used belongs to the Tam Taran Police Station.
Indian officials at all levels have communicated with Canadian and American governments that they have “no knowledge” of Mr. Khalra’s whereabouts, claiming that it was “unknown persons masquerading as police officials” who are responsible for the “alleged” abduction.
Today, sources in the Punjab (human rights NGOs) have indicated that Mr. Khalra has been moved from Amritsar police station to other stations in Chandigargh, Jallundar, and then back to Amritsar, over the last twelve days. K.P.S. Gill, notorious internationally for crimes against civilians in the Punjab (offering bounties to police officers for killing Sikhs) is known to be involved in Mr. Khalra’s disappearance.
Still government officials deny any knowledge of Mr. Khalra’s whereabouts. Eye-witness reports that have substantiated the cases of thousands of individuals who have disappeared in the Punjab, are still ignored by International media. Amnesty International reports continue to document these same methods of operation used by police officials to ensure the disappearance of thousands of civilians on an annual basis.
Mr. Khalra remains in the grips of police officials known for tonure, staged encounters, and extrajudicial executions.
When will India become a democracy where the rule of law prevails? When will human rights activists and their families live without fear? When will these crimes be exposed to the world?
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For more.information. please contact Anne Lowthian, Public Relations:Manager, (613) 723-2026/(613) 523-1080.
Dlorlb @1tklt ®rgant5atinn
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HEAD OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 – Merivale Depot• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2C 3S7 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax(613) 723-0290
SEPTEMBER 26, 1995
The World Sikh Organization has personally delivered information concerning Mr. Jaswant Singh Khalra to Canadian Parliamentarians, United States Congresspersons, and Senators from both governments. In addition, a request for action on the case of Mr. Khalra, to the Right Honourable Jean Chretien, Prime Minister of Canada.
On September 25, 1995 the Speaker of the Lokh Sabha visited Canadian Parliamentarians who raised human rights issues with the Speaker during an 11in-camera” meeting with the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade. Leading the case of Mr. Khalra were Members of Parliament, Colleen Beaumier and Herb Dhaliwal who are continuing to articulate concerns for Mr. Khalra’s safety.
The WSO was given to understand that the Indian government representative responded by once again purporting that there was a framework and process in place to address human rights concerns in India. We continue to ask the Canadian and American governments to take a more forceful approach with the Indian government on human rights issues so that the crimes committed against Mr. Khalra no longer continue.
The WSO entreats all Gurdwaras to make a concerted effort on behalf of Mr. Khalra. Please phone, fax, or visit your local Member of Parliament to express your concerns as soon as possible.
We will endeavour to keep the Sikh community fully informed of developments in Mr. Khalra’s case, as we continue pursue the highest levels of international governments to obtain the immediate release of our Gursikh, Jaswant Singh Khalra.
– 30 –
For more information, please contact Anne E. Lowthian, (613) 723-2026, (613) 523-1080.
lllnrlh .@,fk!J ®rgani5atinn
easa ffitf »t•aaln•eli:iex
HEAD OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 – Merivale Depot• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2C 357 • Phone (613) 7 202S• Fax(613) 723-0290
October 16, 199?
Dear Sir/Madam:
Jaswant Singh Khalra, General Secretary of the Human Rights Wing of the Shiromani Akali Dal is still “disappeared”, with no response from the Indian government concerning his whereabouts. Since September 6, 1995, Mr. Khalra has not been heard from, after police officials abducted him from his home. His family is still worried.
On Friday, October 13, 19’JS a habeas mrpus petition was scheduled to be heard by the Punjabi cow ts. The Court again delayed the hearing of the petition for another month. Two weeks prior to this action, a High Court Justice was petitioned to allow an ioooediate investigation of a particular police station where KhaJra had been located. The Justice would not provide an immediate warrant for investigation but would only allow an investigation the following morning. By then, Mr. Kba1ra had, once again, been moved.
Please help us to lo te Mr.Khalra. You may have had the opportunity to meet him during our Annual Parliamentary Dinner on June 6, 1995. By speaking with this soft-spoken philanthropist, you may have understood the importance of preserving the safety of human rights activists in India. You would have also observed his dedication to the principles behind the rule of law – principles that are clearly not operating now India, and that currently affect whether or not Mr. Khalra will remain alive.
– 2 –
We would like you to take a few moments and review these facts:
”Despite positive statements and recommendations made by the government and judiciary over the past year, the reality in India was that custodial violence remained endemic. Amnesty International believes that the virtual impunity enjoyed by many of the perpetrators of torture and ill-treatment in custody is a key factor in the continuation of these practices.”1
This method of operation usually comprises denial of any disappearance of these civilians by Indian officials. Amnesty International reports continue to document the fact that Sikhs in India continue to disappear at an alarming rate, particularly if these individuals are associated with.protecting human rights. Amnesty International states that:
“each year scores of people disappear in Punjab…several thousands more are held without trial…nearly all disappearances are attnbuted to the Punjab police”2•
In addition:
“State complicity in such practices is evident from a clear pattern of official covcrup. This involves officials routinely ignoring numerous letters expressing anguish for the life and safety of the “disappeared” – officials even go to the extent of giving contradictmy statements. In collf4· police persist in denying that “disappeared” persons were arrested, despite sworn testimonies from eyewitnesses to their arrest. Habeas corpus petitions are rarely successful: the police either deny the arrest or simply claim that the victim “escaped” from custody are has been killed in an “encounter”, while keeping them in secret detention to extract information. In general the Indian government has responded to allegations of “disappearances” by denying them.3”
Jaswant Singh Khalra was scheduled to appear in the Indian High Courts to testify on human rights abuses that continue in India. Mr. Khalra would have provided evidence of police involvement in the murder and cremation of over 25,000 people – had he not been abducted from his home by police officials on September 6, 1995. Amnesty International reports that:
1 Amnesty International, Deaths in custody in 1994, AI Index ASA 20/18/95, August, 1995.
2 Amnesty International, An unnatural Fate – Disappearances and impunity in the Indian States of Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab. AI Index ASA 20/42/93, December, 1993.
3 Ibid.
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– 3 –
“Increasingly, the police are reportedly targeting journalists and lawyers who have tried to expose human rights violations by security forces in Punjab by making them suffer such violations themselves – protests have failed to elicit any substantive government response as to what happened to them, nor was an inquiry ordered into their “disappearance’….
Thousands of innocent civilians have been extrajudicially murdered in the Punjab. Amnesty International repor_tsof bodies hidden to prevent the discovery of evidence linking police forces with the torture of human beings, who were, ultimately, never charged with any crime.The Indian officials always manage to ensure that those people who “disappear” remain missing, or turn up dead after “encounters” with police officials. In all cases police officials deny involvement in’criminal activity, though documented evidence·of corruption proves–— otherwise.
- In a letter to Congressman Fazio, Siddhartha Shankar Ray indicated that local police in Amritsar arc “actively pursuing the investigation” to locate Mr. Jaswant Singh Kha1ra. According to this Embassy official, ”Mr. Khalra has been kidnapped by a group of individuals masquerading as policemen” and that the local police in Amritsar have “registered a case of kidnapping”. However, in another document issued by the local police in Amritsar, Mr. Khalra’s disappearance is still considered to be an “alleged” crime, regardless of witness testimony. The circumstances of Mr. Khalra’s disappearance parallels closely with those of thousands of others. Mr. Khalra’s abduction was witnessed by the public who are now fearful of making public statements, risking police retnoution against their families:
‘1n those cases where the courts have intervened, the police have often responded by intimidating witnesses and refusing to cooperate with court inquiries. Despite unequivocal judgements naming the perpetrators of [these] “disappearances”, the captors are not brought to justice. Amnesty International does not know of a single case [in Punjab] in which the perpetrators have been brought to justice.Sit
The Special Rapporteur on torture, who reports to the United Nations Cnmmimon for Human Rights statc;d that: “torture by the police, the paramilitary and the army was pervasive in each of the 25 states in India”‘.
4 Ibid.
5 Ibid.
6 Ibid.
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We ask for your support by doing everything within your office to:
1. Obtain the disclooure of the whereabouts, and the release of human rights activist, Jaswant Singh KhaJra.
2. Ensure that the rule of law, for civilians and secmity personnel, is enshrined and enforced consistently and comprehensively throughout India. Corrupt action by government officials that condone and encourage illegal police practices that result in the deaths or disappearances of civilians be immediately investigated and prosecuted.
3. Obtain-.immediate revocation of the new, replacement legislation for the much abhorred TADA, is imperative. Amnesty International has stated that some of the clauses in the proposed legislation are “dangerously vague”.
4. Bring to justice the Police and security forces allegedly involved in torture, ill treatment, disappearances and deaths in custody, requesting they be immediately suspended, pending an impartial inquily, and if evidence is found against them, they are promptly arrested and brought to justice.
5. Ensure the government of India invites the United Nations Special Rapporteur for torture and for extrajudicial,SUDllll3IY and arbitrary executions, to visit India as soon as possible.
6. Ensure the government of India invites Human Rights Groups like Amnesty International and Asia Watch, to visit, unrestricted, all 25 states of India.
7. Encourage the establishment of a plebiscite in the Punjab.
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HEAD OFFICE • P 0. Box 15830 – Merivale Depot • Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2C 357 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax(613) 723-0290
SEPTEMBER 26, 1995
Despite continuing diplomatic pressure from around the world to obtain the release of human rights activists.
Jaswant Singh Khalra. Indian officials continue to ignore the rule of law. Two more children have disappeared while increasing international pressure on India to respect the covenants and declarations on civil and political rights continues Perhaps the international message of peace and justice has been ignored by ‘India..
Three days before the International Day of Human Rights.and two months after the disappearance of Jaswant Singh Khalra, an 18 year old boy and a 15 year old boy in the Punjab India were abducted from their home. 12 plain-clothes police officials, armed with Ak47’s, were observed abducting the children from their home. Witnesses to the abduction stated that no warrants or explanations for the arrest were provided-
The father of both boys. Gurdev Singh Kaunke. who was a respected spiritual leader. disappeared on December 31. 1991 and has not been beard from since.. The police claim he “disappeared• after his escape from custody – a typical excuse offered by officials who receive bounties from the government for such “disappearances”. Mr. Kaunke was never involved in any violence. but did advocate the rights of civilians. Now there is considerable fear for the safety of the mother. Mrs. Gurmail Kaur. A whole family could be wiped out byt he illegal actions of the Indian govemmenL
Arrangements are presently underway for a Canadian trade-mission to India in January. 1996. yet the disappearance of civilians might go relatively unnoticed as Foreign Ministers plan commercial agendas for • discussion. W-tll Canada point out that all of Mr. Khalra’s abductors have been publicly identified by witnesses, and should be directly investigated? W-tll efforts be made to preserve the lives of two children?
It is now time that the Prime Minister of Canada and the President of the United States take a personal. com.mined interest in the protection of the civilian population of India who suffer these violations of their fundamental rights. It is now imperative that these leaders make a strong commitment to suppon the principles of democracy like freedom of speech. and the rule of law, before addressing trade issues. Humanity is the only priority.
The Canadian Sikh community expects the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to take a firm position with India on these continuing disappearances of innocent civilians. Victims of these disappearances have numbered in the thousands in India. Many have been routinely tenured. The International community is gravely concerned for the lives of these two innocent children. and the many innocents who have disappeared before them. Immediate action is both necessary and imperative to preserve the lives of these innocent victims. Canada must insist upon the rule of law in countries where trade/aid agreements are to be made. How safe will Canadian investors be ill,a country that regularly practices• enforced disappearances• as a method of intimidation?
For more information. please contact Anne Lowthian (613) 723-2026/(613) 523-1080.
llnrlh @)fkll ®rganiJatinn
(of Canada)
C:d8S ffil:f ))i•daln•el,-h:tn
HEAD OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 • Me
January 1, 1996
Punjab, Indi – Onthemorning of April 29, 1992, Harjit Singh, a 22 year old family man, was abducted at a busy traffic intersection by a group of Police officers. There was no warrant for his arrest. Police have denied that Harjit Singh was arrested on that date. Harjit has twice been seen alive by his father, in police custody, after the date on which the police claim he had been killed in an “encounter”. By the time witnesses were permitted in the building where Harjit was held, all that remained, were the handcuffs. His whereabouts are still unknown, after numerous court representations for justice.
Similarly on Septemper 6, 1995, Jaswant Singh Khalra, a well respected human rights activist in India, was also abducted by plain-clothes police officers. He was taken away in a police van and has not been heard from since. Police deny having arrested him, in spite of the witness testimony. All the police officers involved in Mr. Khalra’s abduction have been identified, but no investigation of these officers has been undertaken.
These cases are just a small example of the typical method of operation used by Indian officials to ensure hundreds of people disappear in India on an annual basis. Such methods ensure that the indian government is not taken to task over cases of custodial violence, as bodies can never be located for evidence. Oftentimes the victims are labelled as “separatists” or “insurgents” to justify state crime against civilians. Any excuse could be used to eliminate an outspoken citizen.
In June, 1995, Jaswant Singh Khalra visited Canada to advise Canadian dignitaries about an investigation into the cremation grounds found in various districts of the Punjab. Having discovered 6,000 unidentified boaies in one district alone, it is estimated that there are well over 25 000 bodies of civilians located in cremation grounds throughout the one state. Many of these bodies were proven, by official records, to be the victims of police torture, fake encounters, and “disappearances”. When Mr. Khalra made these documents public, and filed for appropriate court proceedings, Police Superintendent from Tarn Taran (alleged to be involved in these crimes against civilians) threatened Mr. Khalra by stating: “if 25,000 have disappeared, it will be easy to make one more disappear”. True to his word, the Superintendent ensured Mr. Khalra disappeared shortly thereafter.
Despite international pressure to produce Mr. Khalra, Indian officials continue to deny involvement in these abductions, heedless of the documented evidence to the contrary. Canada’s Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs – South Asia Division, Mr. Raymond Chan, informed Parliament on October 30, 1995 that Mr. Khalra’s case has been raised with India’s foreign ministers. Many parliamentarians have supported efforts to bring human rights groups like Amnesty International to the Punjab where unhindered access is forbidden. There are many states in India where police practices of torture, enforced disappearances, and extrajudicial murder is condoned and supported by officials. Bounties are offered by government for the heads of journalists, lawyers, and human rights activists alike.
As of December 7, 1995 two more teen-agers were abducted by Police officials, using AK.47’s to tear the children from their peaceful home. Witnesses and family were not provided with a warrant for their arrest or substantiation for their illegal abduction by police officials. These youths now face the threat of “disappearing” before the eyes of the world, and like the many before them, must also suffer torture, ill-treatment and violence, from Indian officials. Their father was forcibly “disappeared” in 1991.
Canadian members of parliament should support all initiatives that would bring the rule of law to India. Canada must become clear in it’s priorities, strengthening it’s commitment to human rights. Canada must be more forceful in it’s approach to obtain the legitimate rights of civilians in India, China, and Rawanda alike. Canadian citizens whoenjoy democracy are horrified that a purportedly “democratic” country like India could continue to perpetrate the crimes against Christians, Muslims, Dalits, and Sikhs. Yet the Canadian government chooses to encourage trade with a country where police are supported by state and federal monies, to commit human rights violations with impunity.
The United Nations Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances, makes it clear that: “No circumstances whatsoever, whether a threat of war, a state of war, internal police instability of any other public emergency, may be invoked to justify enforced disappearances.” It is therefore an insult to all peace-loving Canadian Parliamentarians who respect and uphold the altruistic efforts of Mr. Khalra, for the Indian government to continue to deny him his fundamental rights. It is horrifying to many of these Parliamentariansthat a well-respected human rights activist like Mr. Khalra ends up brazenly abducted by a system of government that supports the perpetuation of oppression, genocide, and intimidation. What ever happened to the “World’s largest democracy”???? Where is the rule of law in India?
– 30 –
For further information, please contact Anne Lowthian (613) 723-2026/(613) 523-1080.
111orlh i;ik4 ®rgani5ation
111orlh i;ik4 ®rgani5ation
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HEAO OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 – Merivale pot• Nepean, Ontario, canada • K2C 357 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723–0290
January 5, 1996
The Indian government has enforced Section 144 of law that restricts freedom of association and freedom of expression in India, in time to prevent any public outcry of human rights violations to the visitng Canadian delegation in New Delhi and Bombay.
Various human rights NGOs had planned to organize demonstrations in Delhi, however, all city sections close to the Canadian embassy are now, conveniently, under “restricted movement”. Such enforcements by police and government, forbid a gathering of more t.J.½an five people in any public area.
Similarly, demonstrations that were held in Delhi on International Human Rights Day in December, were squashed by government control over the media. No national press coverage of this demonstration was permitted. Toe NGOs who were brought together to publicly object to gross violations of fundamental freedoms in India were once again silenced by Indian censorship.
This is the country where Canada wishes to promote economic development and investment by Canadians? Canadians who enjoy a certain standard of freedom that will not be forthcoming in India.
– 30 –
For further information please contact Anne E. Lowthian (613) 723-2026/(613) 523-1080
lllnrlh @,fklJ®rgani atinn
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HEAD OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 • Merivale Depot• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2C 3S7 • Phone {613) 723-2026 • Fax(613) 723-0290
January 8, 1996
The World Sikh Organization wishes success to the Canadian Prime Minister, the Right Honourable Jean Chretien and his delegation leaving for India, Pakistan, Malaysia and Indonesia today.
It has been well established that the purpose of this trip is to increase bilateral trade between Canada and host countries. We would like to remind our Prime Minister, Premiers, and other prominent members of the delegation that Canada has a long and proud history of championing and promoting human rights throughout the world. Therefore, lucrative trade contracts and similar concessions should not be allowed to taint our dedicated efforts towards peace-building, and democratic development.
Trade initiatives should not, however, overlook the conditions of life in India where civilians will ultimately pay the price of these contracts with their lives. Inhumane labour practices, gross gender discriminations, the absence of the rule of law, and guarantees of impunity for Indian officials, all serve to enslave civilians in India. Will Canadian trade serve to support these draconian practices, or will the Canadian reputation for the cause of humanity be preserved by our distinguished delegates?
Indeed, even human rights activists like Jaswant Singh Khalra are not safe from the tyranny of Indian practices. Mr. Khalra, who is known by many of the individuals presently in the travelling delegation, was abducted from his home by armed, plainclothes police officers. Mr. K.halra had made the mistake of publicly exposing the continuing atrocities occurring daily in the Punjab to Canadian Parliamentarians in June. We hope that the Canadian delegation will continue to make every effort to obtain Mr. Kha1ra”‘s release, and ensure that other re utable citizens of India do not suffer similar fate.
Canadians will support trade relations that are rooted in ethics, justice and respect for human rights. For Canadian officials to ignore such basic human principles by remaining silent, is to inherently condone the atrocious crimes committed against humanity in India.
– 30 –
For further information please contact Anne E. Lowthian (613) 723-2026/(613) 523-1080
d8$ � >>fiddl61eii4B?i
HEAD OFFICE• P.O. Box 15830 • Merivale Depot• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2C 3S7 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290
On Sunday, January 29, 1996, the District Superintendent of Police (DSP) for Gurdaspur, Sawaran Singh, celebrated his son’s wedding, with a large party to which police officials from many districts were invited to attend. Apparantly, in the presence of fellow police officials, a very popular folk singer was brutally murdered by the DSP. The folk singer had requested a break from performing to move on to another engagement. Tne request was brutally denied.
The WSO has been informed, by various sources, that this well respected thirty-five year old folk singer of the Punjab was shot sixteen times with a government issued AK.47 army rifle possessed by the DSP. Reports indicate that though the brutal murder was wimessed by both civilians and police officials alike, no arrests have been made and no charges have been laid. Prosecution of the criminals involved seems impossible while the suspect remains under the care and protection of police. It would appear that once again police impunity reigns supreme over the rights of civilians in the Punjab. The body of the folk singer was dumped by other police officers at the Amritsar hospital, but they too have remained unidentified to prevent their own prosecution for involvement in the crime.
So much for publicly portrayed “peace” in the Punjab – even folk singers are brutally murdered without prosecution of the criminal police involved. Where is the much touted National Human Rights Commission of India? Where is the CBI?
While Canada gloats over recently signed deals involving over 9 billion dollars wonh of rrade with India – Canadians should be duly warned. Investing in a country that supports and protects police officials who murder exn-ajudicially, without prosecution is a risky venture indeed. Will Canadian investors be the next witnesses to these crimes or will they instead be the next victims?
– 30 –
For funher information, please contact Anne E. Lowthian (613) 723-2026/(613)523-1080.
lllnrlll @,fklt ®rgani5atinn
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HEAD OFFICE• 84 Rideau Heights Drive• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2E 7A6 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290
July 23, 1996
In a landmark Supreme Court ruling yesterday in New Delhi, Justice Kuldip Singh stated he was shocked at evidence provided him by the Indian CentralBureau of Intelligence. The judge stated publicly that the action of police in the Punjab is “nothing sbon of genocide•. The Supreme Court heard evidence that showed over 984 bodies were found in one cremation ground in the Punjab • there are many more of these grounds spread throughout the state. Almost all of the unidentified bodies were victims of torture, gang rapes, and extrajudicial murders by district police officials. There are thirteen districts in the Punjab still to be investigated.
The original case was filed by Jaswant Singh Khalra, Secretary General of the Human Rights Wing of the Shiromani Akali Dal. Mr. Khalra, an internationally respected human rights activist, intended to launch an ‘I investigation and properly prosecute policeofficials responsible for the disappearance and murder of thousands of Sikhs over the last decade. Mr. Khalra identified the 13 districts of the Punjab that are alleged to contain thousands of unidentified bodies.
After launching the legal proceedings, Mr. Khalra was arrested by police officers who were implicated in some of the extrajudicial murders of civilians. Mr. Khalra who bad just returned to India from visiting Canadian Members of Parliament and American Congressmen, subsequently “disappeared”, while Indian officials claimed to have no idea regarding his whereabouts. CBI officials were quoted as saying that they had made progress n the investigation of Mr. Khalra’s “murder”. The Supreme Court is expected to make the CBI’s findings on Mr. Khalra’s disappearance available to the public by July 30th in New Delhi.
Sikhs around the world are hopeful that International governments, and human rights groups will finally hear the cries of the thousands of Sikhs who have been extrajudiciallyexecuted by police in the Punjab. Questions remain unanswered by the Indian government regarding the safety of civilians and the gross violations of fundamental freedoms of Sikhs in the Punjab.
The World Sikh Organization continues to pray that Mr. Khalra is not another victim of police torture and brutality. Far too many innocent people have died already.
Formore information please contact Anne Lowthian (613) 723-2026/(613) 738-1803.
Borth @,tkfl @rgani5atinn
ci:dMiS ffil:f >,t1aalx1el1-1ex
HEAD OFFICE• 84 Rideau Heights Drive • Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2E 7A6 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290 E-Mail: WSOPANTH@TRYTEL.ON.CA.
July 31, 1996
Addressing a legacy of violations of the fundamental freedoms of Sikhs in India,Supreme Court Justice Kuldip Singh bas directed the prosecution of nine police officers involved in the abduction, and apparent murder, of human rights activist, Jaswant Singh Khalra.
Mr. Khalra, General Secretary of the Human Rights Wing of the Alcali Dal was abducted at gunpoint from outside bis home in Amritsar on September 6, 1995, after filing a case against exposing Punjab police excesses against Sikh civilians.
Last week the Central Bureau of Intelligence in India provided evidence that supponed Mr. Khalra’s case and yesterday implicated nine Punjab Police officers in Mr. Khalra’s abduction. Toe CBI have requested more time to ascertain what happened to Mr. Khalra following bis abduction by police. Witnesses of the abduction are presently in fear of retn”bution from police, who have not yet been arrested. Toe judge commented that Punjab police actions are “worse than genocide”.
Speaking outside the courthouse, Mr. Jaspal Singh Dhillon, a close aswciate of Mr. Kbalra stated that though the repon and condemnation of police is a step towards justice, the report falls short in implicating the top decision makers who sanction abductions of this son, such as the former chief of police, KP.S. Gilt
Efforts made by international governments, includingdirect communicationsfromThe Right Honourable Jean Chrttien did not preserve the life of Jaswant Singh Kbalra. Indian officials maintained their “democratic” practices of denying any knowledge of the circumstances or whereabouts of the human_rights activisL
Canada’s “constructive engagement” policy should include methods of dealing directly with such violations of basic human rights in countries where Canada seeks to improve trade·relations. A recent poll suggested that Canadians suppon strong positions on human rights by our govemmenL Mr. Khalra’s family anxiously awaits the direct involvement of the Canadian government to stop the continuing atrocities in the Punjab.
India claims that there is peace in the Punjab. Genocide is not peace·. .:
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Formore information, please contact Anne Lowtbian (613)723-2026/(613)738-1803.
lllnrlh &iklt ®rgani3atinn
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HEAD OFFICE • 84 Rideau Heights Drive• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2E 7A6 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290 E-Mail: WSOPANTH@TRYTELON.CA.
(OTTAWA, October l, 1996) The World Sikh Organization (WSO) commends Foreign Affairs Minister Axworthy for ultimately persuading the Indian government to allow the establishment of a Canadian liaison office in the Punjab. While it falls short of the Sikh community’s request to have a fully operational consulate office in Punjab, we are encouraged that this appears to be a step in a positive direction.
The WSO has regularly lobbied the Canadian government to remember the economic feasibility of establishing an office that would provide cost savings to both governments and potential immigrants alike. Our statistics have suhstantiated this assertion, demonstrating that over 70 percent of Indian immigrants arriving in Canada origir from the Punjab.
While the government emphasizes the move is a result of normalization of conditions in the Punjab, we believe, that the realities in India are often mis-communicated. Misinformation can often result in a skewed perception of a partner – country that has been repeatedly recorded for grave and serious violations of fundamental freedoms of civilians. The direct link between social and economic peace and prosperity in the Punjab and immigrations levels to Canada, must be juxtaposed with continuing misconceptions about governmental institutions in India.
During the press conference to announce this positive and proactive step towards peace and the rule of law in the Punjab, Minister Axworthy did not respond to questions raised concenµng the disappearance of Jaswant Singh Khalra, a human rights activist who was forcibly “disappeared” over a year ago. Even the Indian Minister sharing the spotlight with Axworthy avoided responding to the media. Mr. Khalca’s case rema1ns pending in the overloaded Indian court system while wi_tnesses to his disappearance have been harassed and threatened by police officials who never intended to allow them to testify.
There exists some hope that increased transparency of conditions in Punjab will be a likely result of even a small contingent of Canadians in Chandigargh. Though it may not be the fully operational office that was hoped for, it is, at the very least, a window of opportunity to expose the realities of a troubled and divided nation.
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For further information, please contact Anne Lowthian (613) 723-2026..
Blorl?J@,fk4 @rgani atinn
(of Canada)
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HEAD OFFICE • 84 Rideau Heights Drive• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2E 7A6 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290 E-Mail: WSOPANTH@TRYTELON.CA.
JA.J.’-“UARY 9, 1997
The WSO believes that Canadian officials will vociferously deny so-called “terrorism” or “violent propaganda” originates from Sikhs in Canada. Indian officials have orchestrated another successful Gujral grand-standing to divert attention from human rightS issues and once again malign 18 million Sikhs world-wide. WSO asserts that Minister Axworthy will defend Sikh individuals and organizations who are recognized in Canada as peaceful, contributing, valuable members of society, working hard to defend the rights of humanity in Punjab.
-We apect that Mr. Axworthy will defend the honour of all Canadians from this umubstantiableand hl>ellous claim against our oollcctive integrity. We are oonfident that Indian officia1s will not be allowed to fabricate lies and publicly malign Canadians• said Gian Singh Sandhu, former International President of WSO.
Sandhu said that: •0ncc again Indian officials have alleged illegal activity against Sikhs from Canada while at the same time refusing to provide names. dates, p any snbstantiable proof of any kind. Apparently Sikh Canadians are sop -violating Canadian under the noses of our lawmakers and peace officers! What crystal ball .is India using to substantiate castingsuch awful aspersions of inoompetence against our own police forces!?!•
According the WSO of Canada President, Mohinder Singh Jawanda, old and tired propaganda tactics are being parlayed by India against unwitting Canadians. •At the very least, the Globe and Mail and the CBC should stop insulting Canadians by commnnicating such drivel!9 said Jawanda. Claiming that every Canadian knows that sources like “Indian intelligence reports” are the worst oxymorons, Jawanda reaffirmed the Sikh community’s confidence that Minister Axworthy will come to the defence of Canadian Sikhs and publicly decry such aagrant lies.
Citing an Agent France Press article of December 11, 1996, Jawanda claimed that Punjab police officers were paid bonuses of S2.8.500 dollan for killing three ed Sikh terrorists -oa.Iy–co discover that one of these supposed “terrorists• was a three year old child. “Nen Canadian dailies will be printing a Gajral allc:gation_ that this three J’C3I’ old came from Canada r What De::%!?!! The Indian government sbouJd be emba::missed m using such dated and incffi:a:iw: tactics!• said Ja-wanda.
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For funher information. please cooi:act A..nne E.. Lo. ,Ulian ,613) “.” ,-2tr..6d61.3·1 738-iSC.3.
Borlb @>tk4 @rgani5atinn
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HEAD OFFICE • 84 Rideau Heights Drive• Nepean, Ontario, Canada• K2E 7A6 • Phone (613) 723-2026 • Fax (613) 723-0290 E-Mail: WSOPANTH@TRYTELON.CA.
OTTAWA, September 6, 1997 – Human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra is still missing after police abducted him from his home on September 6, 1995 in Amritsar, Punjab.
Mr. Khalra had just returned to Punjab from Canada, after briefing parliamentarians and diplomats on the estimated 2S,0000 unidentified bodies uncovered by his team of investigators. The Superintendent of Police responsible for Mr. Khalra’s abduction. who recently committed suicide under questionable circumstances, stated publicly in Punjab papers: “it is not so difficult to make one more (Sikh) disappear”.
While the Department of Foreign Affairs originally took up the case of Mr. Khalra with Indian officials, his safety and whereabouts have never been publicly divulged. Thousands of Sikhs face brutal torture, intimidation, extortion, involuntary disappearances, and faked-encounters from police officials in Punjab. Yet the Canadian government has remained silent.
Today, Sikhs will again be asking the Canadian government to protect human rights activists in countries with whom Canada will trade. After celebrating the Golden Jubilee of a country claiming to be “the largest democracy in the world”, it is imperative that the fundamental freedoms of all civilians be protected. Until human rights workers like Mr. Khalra are fully guaranteed freedom from enfol”l:ed ·•disappearances”, no individual will be safe. Not even Canadian entrepreneurs.
For more information. please contact Anne Lowthian (613) 723-2026.
Bnrlh @,fkq ®rgani5atinn
84 Rideau Heights Drive Nepean, Ontario. Canada
K2E 7A6
Phone (613) 723-2026
Fax (613) 723-029
International Sikh Secretariat Building 114 Third Street SE
Washington, DC 20003-1017 Phone(202)547-1900
Fax (202) 544-7004
ct:dM&i ffil1 »11ddio•eh-h:Ui
Punjab, India, September 6, 2000 – Exactly five years ago today, human rights activist, JaswantSingh Khalra was abducted him from his home by Punjab police. His whereabouts were never established and hisbody was never recovered from officials. Yesterday a material witness to Mr. Khalra’s enforced disappearance, was arrested on false charges, simply because he attempted to freely express himself in the ‘largest democracy in the world’. Mr. Rajeev Singh Randhawa was kidnapped by police after he tried to deliver a briefing note to visiting UK Home Minister, Mr. Jack Straw. It is believed that Police Superintendant Parmpal Singh Sidhu, a relative of Ajit Singh Sandhu (the police superintendant implicated for Khalra’s disappearance) is responsible for the false arrest of Rajeev Singh.
The international Sikh community fears for the safety ofRajeev Singh Randhawa who may also experience the awful fate as Jaswant Singh Khalra. As a material witness in the Khalra case, Mr. Randhawa could be framed, falsely imprisoned and extrajudicially executed in order to prevent his testimony in superior courts. The arrest of innocent citizens in order to prevent freedom of expression, clearly exposes India’s inability to protect the rule of law, and officials’ complete disregard for obligations to respect basic fundamental freedoms guaranteed under UN conventions and declarations.
Year after year, human rights activists and innocent civilians face brutal torture, intimidation, extortion, involuntary disappearances, and faked-encounters from police officials in Punjab. Yet the Canadian government has remained silent. Today, Sikhs will again be asking Canadian politicians to protect human rights activists in countries with whom Canada promotes trade. Until human rights workers like Mr. Khalra and Mr: Randhawa are fully guaranteed freedom from enforced “disappearances”, no individual will be safe. Not even Canadian entrepreneurs.
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For more information, please contact Anne Lowthian (613) 220-6214.
HEAD OFFICE• 1183 Cecil Avenue• Ottawa, Ontario, Canada• K1H 726 • Phone: 613-521-1984 • Fax: 613-521-SIKH(7454)
E-Mail: wsopanth@trytel.com WEB: www.world-sikh.org
January 27, 2003
The World Sikh Organization of Canada is issuing an urgent request for immediate action to prevent the illegal execution of Davinder Pal Singh Bhuller in Punjab, India. Sentenced to death on 29 August 2001, Bhuller has been found both ‘guilty’ and ‘not guilty’ of a 1993 bombing of the Youth Congress Office in New Delhi. Denied asylum in Germany, Mr. Bhuller was deported back to India where he now faces execution – a contravention of nwnerous international covenants and agreements.
Appeals to Indian high courts have been denied the accused due to the fact that he was arrested under the draconian Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act . The TADA remains the primary guarantee of impunity for extrajudicial crimes (committed by the state) against civilians throughout India. Evidence exists to. demonstrate that Mr. Bhuller was tortured and coerced to provide a false confession. Forced confessions are a familiar story told by too many religious minorities, ina country that claims itself ‘the world’s largest democracy’.
The Sikh community of Canada requests your immediate action to obtain clemency for Davinder Pal Singh from Indian President AJP Abdul Kalam, to reverse the result of an unfair trial and the unconstitutional denial ofDavinder’s right to appeal. Decisions to execute human beings under circumstances where legitimate facts, corroborative testimony, or substantive evidence cannot be tested or challenged in a court of law, subverts judicial legitimacy in India. Under theyoke of “terrorist” rhetoric, and a new fundamentalist government regime, ordinary citizens ofindia are denied fundamental freedoms and protections.
As you.know, human rights activist, JaS\vant Singh Khalra, was extra-judicially executed by the Indian government, after he visited with Canadian Parliamentariansseveral years ago. Khalra’s efforts to inform Canadians about the thousands of bodies discovered i..11the secret cremation grounds utilized by Indian police resulted in his illegal execution while in police custody. We continue to hope that your action will prevent a similar fate befalling Davinder Pal Singh Bhuller.
Please take immediate action to prevent the Indian government from continued violations of the most basic civil rights of it’s citizens. Support the Amnesty International campaign, and take action to bring the rule of law and a ‘functioning democracy’ to the millions who continue to suffer in India.
For more information, please contact the World Sikh Organization at 1183 Cecil Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, KlH 726, Tel: (613) 521-1984, Fax: (613) 521-7454, Cell: (613) 220-6214, email: wsop;mth@trytel.com, or visit our website: www.world-sikh.org
HEAD OFFICE• 1183 Cecil Avenue• Ottawa, Ontario, Canada• K1H 726 • Phone: 613-521,1984 • Fax: 613-521-SIKH(7454)
E-Mail: wsopanth@trytel.com WEB: www.world-s,1ch.org
January 27, 2003
The World Sikh Organization of Canada is issuing an urgent request for immediate action to prevent the illegal execution ofDavinder Pal Singh Bhuller in Punjab, India. Sentenced to deathon 29 August 2001, Bhuller has been found both ‘guilty’ and ‘nof guilty’ of a 1993 bombing of the Youth Congress Office in New Delhi. Denied asylum in Germany, Mr. Bhuller was deported back to India where he now faces execution – a contravention of numerous international covenants and agreements.
Appeals to Indian high courts have been denied the accused due to the fact that he was arrested under the draconian Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act. The TADA remains the primary guarantee of impunity for extrajudicial crimes (committed by the state) against civilians throughout India. Evidence exists to demonstrate that Mr. Bhuller was tortured and coerced to provide a false confession. Forced confessions are a familiar story told by too many religious minorities, in a country that claims itself ‘the world’s largest democracy’.
The Sikh community of Canada requests your immediate action to obtain clemency for Davinder Pal Singh from Indian President AJP Abdul Kalam, to reverse the result of an unfair trial and the unconstitutional denial of Davinder’s right to appeal. Decisions to execute human beings under circumstances where legitimate facts, corroborative testimony, or substantive evidence cannot be tested or challenged in a court of law, subverts judicial legitimacy in India. Under theyoke of “terrorist” rhetoric, and a new fundamentalist government regime, ordinary citizens oflndia are denied fundamental freedoms and protections.
As you know, human rights activist, Jaswant Singh Khalra, was extra-judicially executed by the Indian government after he visited with Canadian Parliamentariansseveral years ago. Khalra’s efforts to inform Cmrndi,ms about the thousands of bodies discovered in the secrel cremation grounds utilized by Indian police resulted in his illegal execution while in police custody. We continue to hope that your action will prevent a similar fate befalling Davinder Pal Singh Bhuller.
Please take immediate action to prevent the Indian government from continued violations of the most basic civil rights of it’s citizens. Support the Amnesty International campaign, and take action to bring the rule of law and a ‘functioning democracy’ to the millions who continue to suffer in India.
For more information, please contact the World Sikh Organization at 1183 Cecil Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, KlH 726, Tel: (613) 521,1984, Fax: (613) 521-7454, Cell: (613) 220-6214,
email: 1¥Sopanth@trytel.co1I1 or visit our website: www.world-sikh.org