NEW DELHI (PTI): Prime Minister P V. Narasimha Rao last week expressed “deep concern Over the increasing obscenity vulgarity and violence in films in the country and warned that if self-regulation failed government will have to resort to “other measures.”

I feel that this concern is not misplaced since none of us would like a whole generation of young men and women to be constantly exposed to such grossness” he said He said the information and broad casting ministry and the state governments could initiate a dialogue with representatives of the film industry particularly in states like Tamil] Nadu Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Kerala Kamataka and west Bengal where a large number of films were produced.

Self-regulation is the best antidote but in case it fails to work we will certainly have to fall back on other measures” Rao said inaugurating the 21st conference of state ministers of information and cinematography here.

The question of entertainment tax subject of films inters personal media and the electronic media are among the issue that came up in the daylong conference.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 15, 1994