ISLAMABAD; Expressing deep concern at the Indian Prime Minister’s statement that India will not give up its nuclear option uh- der any circumstances, Pakistan Said that “it is the clearest manifestation of India’s intention to persist with its nuclear program.”

It termed the Indian Prime Minister’s statement to the Indian Military commanders on April 13 a “transparent excuse,” where he said that India will not give up its nuclear option because of Pakistan’s nuclear program. PV Narasimha Rao’s statement, it said, “when viewed in conjunction with India’s reported intention to deploy ballistic missiles, arouses the legitimate fear that India is about to take steps which will unleash a nuclear war in South Asia”

Speaking to journalists last week, a foreign office spokesman said Rao’s statement can only be interpreted As a peremptory rejection” of the US proposal for multilateral talks on South Asian security, The talks are meant to address the in- tor-related issues of regional disputes. Conventional arms control and nuclear non-proliferation, “In its design to scuttle this initiative, India has obviously been encouraged by the discriminatory restraints imposed against Pakistan find the readiness of the major powers to overlook the threat of the Indian nuclear proliferation and to excuse India’s massive repression and violations of human rights In Kashmir.” he added. According to him India can be convinced to adopt am responsible position on non-proliferation and South Asian security only if the policies of the major powers towards Pakistan and India are fair and even-handed.

 He said all that India needs to do to reassure itself about Pakistan’s nuclear program is to accept one of the several proposals made by Pakistan for reciprocal or regional non-proliferation. When confronted by Pakistan’s proposals, “India argues that its nuclear capability is also designed to counter & supposed nuclear threat from China.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994