NEW DELHI: Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh last week called on business houses to assess for themselves the law and order situation it this State and assured them all support for setting up industries in Punjab.

 Addressing the national conference on “How to get India further and faster,” he said his Government was studying ways and means of getting rid of the system of “inspector raj” and had already Stream lined the tax structure for attracting investment in the State.

Under the single-window clearance system introduced in the State, the businessmen after buying land cold get down to building the factory without any cumber -Some procedures to be followed in between, he said.

He said Punjab was more peaceful than many other States in the country.

Agreements have already been entered into for settings up are refrigerator plant and a chemical industry in the State, he said, adding his Government hoped to supply uninterrupted electricity by providing the private sector a greater role in the power sector.

 According to the Chief Minister, the completion of the dam would enable setting up of a 600, MW Power unit near the site which would go a long way in ushering in Industrial revolution In the State.

Mr. Beant Singh emphasized setting up food processing units and developing the horticulture sector in the State.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994