New Delhi: The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes” Parliamentary Forum on March 18 demanded reservation of jobs in the private sector and inclusion of the reservation policy in the ninth schedule of the Constitution, to avoid any challenge in courts of law. A delegation of Forum leaders mci President Shankar Dayal Sharma and presented a memorandum to him listing their demands. Janata Dal MP Paswan, and Congress (I) MP Dileep Singh Bhuria, led the delegation.

 “The Forum also demanded raising the reservation from 22.5 per cent to 25 percent .in keeping with the increase in the 1991 census. PTI-Deccan herald March19)

Gandhi saved Hinduism, not Hindu Nazi parties

 Bangalore: If the brahminical Hinduism is a live and threatening, India’s unity and integrity, its peace and prosperity, the credit does not go to Hindu Nazi parties but to one single person Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Michael Edwards: The Myth of the Mahatma -1986 Constable, London) It is this Mahatma who appreciated the “non-violence theory into Hinduism and made it world famous, It is this Mahatma who appropriated the non- Hindu Untouchables into Hinduism and made it a ‘majority religion’. Hinduism acquired powerful muscles under this wily Banja. (Fazlol Haq: Gandhi, Saint or Saint or, sinner 1992, Dalit Sahitya Akademy, 109/7th Cross, Pal- ace Lower Orchards. Bangalore-3).

 Separate electorate: Here is a further proof in support of our claims. The report proves how Gandhi killed Babasaheb Ambedkar’s proposal of separate electorate and thereby sabotaged the Untouchable’s struggle for their human rights. The response refers to the “Poona Pact” which came as a death blow and forced Babasaheb to ‘Sign it much against his wishes;

New Delhi: Mahatma Gandhi repeatedly used his unassailable weapon – fasting whenever communalism threatened the country and intra-community upheavals like caste conflicts threatened Hinduism, which was “dearer than life itself for him.

In one of the longest, such protests, – Gandhi ji undertook a 21day fast in May 1730 against the proposal to have a Separate electorate for Hartjans, ‘The proposal, coming as 2 sequel to “upheavals of certain sections of the Hindu society” and propaganda by orthodox and educated Hindus (in sup- port of practices such as un touch ability) greatly disturbed him, for, as Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel said, this religion was “dearer than life itself.

Fully understanding Gandhiji’s decision to go on such a tong fast, Sardar Patel wrote to senior Congress leader Sir Purushotiamdas;“He is one person who’ practices honestly and continuously the Hindu religion. How can’ either the Hindu religion of the country be benefited if we succeed in our efforts to persuade him to break his word,” The letter, written from the Sardar’s prison cell in Yervada, forms part the fourth volume of the Collected Works of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Responding to Sir Purushotimmdas`s plea to Sardar Patel to persuade Gandhiji not to go on fast, Patel wrote, “Sutter falsehood and deceit is being Practiced in the name of protection of the Hindu religion…How can Bapu remain indifferent? The very Pledge he has given to millions of poor Harijans is jeopardized, Can you think, Of any other way of reforming the religion, and if there is no other way, then what else can a person bike him

Do, to whom his religion is dearer than life itself?” (Hindustan Times Feb. 3) So, it is this Gandhi who saved Hinduism not the Hindu Nazis. That is why the upper castes: love Gandhi’s Congress. The original brahminical Party, more than their own Hindu Nazi Patty – RSS.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 29, 1994