AMRITSAR: In 1947 the Sikh nation joined the Indian Union on the basis that they would enjoy self-rule in which the Sikh way of life could develop and flourish unhindered. Soon afterwards, the policies formulated by the rulers in Delhi in the name of “Indian national integration” were such that we firstly lost control over our political affairs and natural resources and later attempt is were made to destroy the very basis of our Sikh national identity by reducing our status to that of a religious minority, In the late 1970’s, when Sikhs started protesting for greater political participation, control over their economic resources and protection of their ecology and society, the Central Government refused (o participate in any meaningful dialogue with the Sikhs to resolve these conflicts, Instead the Delhi Government turned the Sikh struggle in to a law and order problem and in June 1984, sent the Amy to crush the Sikh people. It will be the 10th Anniversary in June 1994 of this attack on Sikhs and their national institutions. The Panthic Committee urges Sikhs throughout the world to hold rallies, demonstrations, meetings and remembrance services to mark this black event in our history, when the Indian Government waged a terror campaign to suppress and destroy the national identity of the Sikh people. Sikhs are urged to mark this occasion and to pay homage to all those killed, and especially those who laid down their lives in defense of Sikh honor, heritage and civilization, The Panthic Committee welcomes the growth of intellectual debate and discussion on various platforms and Khalsa marches taking place in the Punjab, The clarification of the issues and ideology of the Sikh people are essential, for only then can we further Strengthen our policies and programs that will help us to forge our national unity and achieve our goal of national self-determination. The Indian Government is denying the Sikhs their fundamental right to hold meetings to discuss their political affairs at Sri Akal Takht Sahib. The Panthic Committee further appeals to the Sikh people to organize Khalsa marches to Akal Takht Sahib, with the specie aim of removing the barricade of Security Forces surrounding it, in order to have free access to their political headquarters.

Bhai Wassan Singh Jaffarwal, Panthic Committee Ajit Singh Khera, Press Secretary

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