NEW DELHI(PTI): Big Bull’ Harshad Mehta and six other stock brokers allegedly involved in the securities scam have been asked to appear before the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) on November 12, it was announced here on Oct. 16.
The others brokers asked to appear before the JPC are Bhupen Dalal, Hiten Dalal, A.D.Narouam, J.P.Gandhi, Ajay Kayan, Pallav Seth and V.B.Desai, according to the revised schedule of the JPC,
JPC Chairman Ramniwas Mirdha said the rescheduling has been done as the commiuec thought it fit to examine the officials of the major stock exchanges from Bombay, Calcutta, Madras and Delhi and chairman of the Security and Exchange Board (SEBI) first before examining the stock brokers.
According to earlier schedule the brokers were to be examined on November 9, while the officials of the stock exchanges and SEBI were called to appear on November 11.
Under the revised schedule, the officials of the SEBI and stock exchanges have been asked to appear on November 11 and the stock brokers would be examined on November 12 & 13.
Article extracted from this publication >> October 30, 1992