PATIALA: Indian Prime Minister Narasimha Rao at the last minute cancelled his one day visit to Patiala last week where he was scheduled to inaugurate the annual conference of Indian scientists. There is lot of ‘speculation about the cancellation in the Indian media. It is argued that the fog was merely an alibi because the external affairs minister Pranab Mukherji came by air on the day itself, the real reason, according to the media, was the fear that the ousted Punjab police Chief K.P.S. Gill through his men was capable of springing an unpleasant surprise. If the statements issued by Harkishen Singh Surject and other lobbyists of Gill are any indication, the former police chief is red with anger at the alleged shabby treatment meted out to him by the prime minister Gill was personally Supervising the security arrangements when suddenly he heard his uster from the job.

Article extracted from this publication >>  January 10, 1996