VANCOUVER: A man has been arrested by police at his Vancouver home in connection wee the 1985, assassination of a Key Sikh political leader in India. : Mahesh Inder Singh, 34, (a.k.a. Maheshi, a.k.a, Manabir singh naliwal) was a He faces charges in India of conspiracy to commit murder and Conspiracy to attempt to commit murder. He aleo faces charges of conspiracy to violate antiterrorism legislation in India.
The victim, Harchand Singh Longowal, 57, the president of the main Sikh political party, Akali Dal, was shot by Sikh militants as he was being presented with a religious sword in a shrine in Sherpur. ‘Two men were arrested and two more fled. Police searched the country for conspirators. Longowal had signed a peace agreement with then Indian Prime Minister Rajiy Gandhi a month before his death; the accord was aimed at ending three years of violence in the Punjab by Sikhs who ‘demanded greater autonomy for the 13millionmember religious minority. But the agreement was opposed and Longowal was killed for his beliefs.
Singh was in B.C, Supreme Court last week on a bail hearing, eventually, he will appear before an extradition hearing at which the Crown must prove there is enough evidence to have him deported to India to stand trial.
Article extracted from this publication >> December 16, 1994