By: Irvinderpal Singh Babra/Sikh Press


TORONTO: India’s home minister S.B. Chavan who was in Ottawa and Toronto for the signing of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty with the Canadian Government said that the Sikhs and Muslims in Canada must not feel that the treaty is against them. Many Canadians and foreigners in India are also questioned and detained as part of the strengthening of efforts against. International terrorism, undesirable elements, drug trafficking and allied matters of mutual interest.

Chayan told Sikh Press that the relations of India will improve with Canada with the treaty and he will be signing a similar treaty with the USA and some other countries. Only a small percentage of Sikhs are against the treaty and they have their rights to protest. Chavan was thoroughly questioned on the Sikh issues of the freedom of Sikhs in the Indian jails, India’s human rights record, relations with Punjab, Kashmir and other states and the real validity of such a treaty with Canada and other countries. Chavan said, “There are only 5716 prisoners under TADA in the Indian jails and the one fourth of them are Sikhs whose cases are going on. Punjab is now peaceful and the departure of KPS Gill in the near future will not allow terrorism to return in Punjab,” Jagmeet Singh Brar, who is leading a morcha, is neither serving the Congress party nor the nation and he has lost his credibility for us,” he said.

It was the first time that a high ranking Indian minister visited Canada. Sikhs held demonstrations against his presence and also criticized the ruling Liberal party for aligning with India against the interests of Sikhs Canadians.

‘Chavan was pressed on the continued presence of the Indian army and police in Punjab. Even the Indian Prime Minister, Rao, despite many promises to Punjab, has not visited so far and the Center’s relations with many Indian states are not cordial. India’s human rights stand is of great concern to the Western powers. In that light, is it viable to have treaty after treaty with foreign governments? Answering these questions Chavan said, ‘Look, the treaty is against those people who are on the wrong side of the law. It will strengthen the legal backup and I repeat that it’s not against the Sikhs in Canada. The Canadian Government has expressed deep satisfaction and India’s position is clear on Kashmir. It’s an integral part of India.”

India’s high commissioner Prem Badhwar, consul general in Toronto Rajiv Bhatia and V.K. Jain from India’s home office were present during the interview. Surjit ‘Singh Nanda, information officer had arranged the interview. Ajit Jain of India Abroad and Amar Singh Bhullar of Hamderd were also invited for a meeting with Chayan in Toronto. The security was very strict and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had screened almost all near and around the Chavan’s luxurious suite room in Royal York Hotel. Thad asked him about the fact that the figure of 5716 detainees under TADA is something that many international human rights organizations do not believe. It is the same way that the Indian Government does not believe that over 150,000 Sikhs have been killed in the last 10 years during the Indian army and police rule in Punjab, and if the peace in Punjab is attained to the federal satisfaction of India, why is Punjab not army free now? Chavan said, “It’s Kashmir which is on the national agenda and not Punjab where it’s economic revolution and back to prosperity. We will invite a delegation of journalists to visit India who can see the change for themselves.” The full details of the treaty will be published shortly.

Article extracted from this publication >>  November 4, 1994