Dr.Sohan Singh along with four more persons was picked up from Katmandu on 19th night at 5 a. m, It was Katmandu police in great strength 300 or so which arrested him and others. Same night they were handed over at the border to the Indian forces from where he was flown to Delhi.

Punjab Police had the information about him, coming to Katmandu, Punjab Police was campaigning over in Khatmandu for over four weeks, It is one S.S.P. one SP and others. SSP. came back after two weeks. SP Mr.S.P.S. Basra stayed out there. The Punjab police people were not allowed to come back from Delhi to Punjab nor they were allowed to talk to anyone until Dr, Sohan Singh was brought to Punjab and his arrest shown, Arrest was shown on Oct.4,93 News about his arrest was on T.V, on 4:15 evening it came in the papers on 5th Oct.93, Persons picked up with him were KLF, Surjit Singh Kaleka of V Kaleka Tehsil Baba Bakats, Tarsem Singh Kaunke Kalan, Kewal Singh, Manjit Singh, V. Hansra Dist. Jalandhar,

Surjit Singh of village Kaleka is the nephew of (sister’s son) S.P. Mrs .S.P.S. Basra. Mr. Basra is from C.R.P-F. on deputation to Punjab Police, Till about four-five months back S.P.S. Basra never gave any indication that he is in any way related to  Kaleka. Kalekas mother and sister were kept in illegal police custody and treated inhumanly for months but Basra never approached any one.

it looks like that it was Basra great desire to get adjusted into the Punjab Police (to make big money) that he talked to K.P.S, Gill that he can make Kaleka surrender to police if his life can be spared. It is after that he must have made contact with Kaleka, K.P.S.Gill of course told him that Kalekas life can only be spared if we   can help in the armrest of Dr.Sohan — Singh Panjwar Billu and other top ones. So it was on the information of Kaleka that these arrests were made. Even his other companions knew nothing about it, other two definitely may be three have been eliminated by police only Kaleka is alive. There were four other there they somehow left that place at night $0 were able to   escape arrest.  

There are lot of stories being planted by police and other agencies in the Press about Dr.Sohan Singh that is all to create confusion in the minds of people and to create misunderstanding among militant’s organizations. Everything possible is being done to malign the name of Dr.Sohan Singh.  

He did say that they all had decided to fight the elections but after crossing over to India Bittu gave a statement against participation in elections then Dr. Sahib did not counter it

Punjab police or Indian forces would have climinated him but it was under great pressure from American government that he has not been eliminated.

Attacking a press cutting to give some information.

Dr Sahib is being kept in a small room in a secluded place room has one window and one ventilator which are now permanently closed with bricks. In front of the single door of the room they have built a brick wall double the width of the door. He is not allowed to come out in the sun even for a short period. He was interrogated from 20 to 3rd in Delhi later on here.

Dr Sohan Singh has not changed his — stand oven one bit on Khalistan for also to pick up sword he said is our Gurus Hukam when all other methods fail.

Even now in the special court be stood his grounds, He gave he to the Judges told them they are stooges of governments.

They cannot give any justice told them what they have done in last a few years when every day so many people were killed in Punjab by police.

Article extracted from this publication >> January 7, 1994