Dear Editor,

This is my first ever letter Witten for any editorial column. This letter is sheer out of my frustration regarding brick bating against Sri Singh Sahib by Dr, Aulakh and against Dr, Aulakh by other Sikhs.

I think Dr. Aulakh should have given some solid proof by photographs or video tapes of what Singh Sahib had said at Hindu Congregation, instead of writing it down, so that there should be no chance for other people to condemn it.

For people who have written against Dr. Aulakh, they have highlighted only on personal differences between Singh Sahib and Dr, Aulakh. (May be they are close to Singh Sahib or Dr. Aulakh and know of any personal grudges). They have not stressed upon Dr. Aulakh for the truth and asked for confirmations instead have wasted their energy upon pulling each other’s Iegs.

History repeats itself, for other people may be after centuries or decades but for Sikhs it repeats every day. Everyday a Sikh becomes a leader and next day is pushed into comer. Singh Sahib Come forward and there’s someone against him, Dr. Aulakh did good work for Sikhs and there are people to pull us apart. Why? Why can’t Sikhs say, Sikh’s won’t kill Sikh’s Sikh’s won’t destroy Sikh’s Sikh’s will help Sikh’s.

I do not mean that Sikh’s should kill others, or should not help others but every Sikh may be Akali, Congress, Policeman, Federation etc. should be a true Sikh so that our religion, community and our (country?) can progress.

In the end I would pray that “Guru Gobind Singh ji,” should shower his blessings on Sikh Panth so that they can all walk on same road holding hands, of course in same way.

  1. Sandhu Caruthers, CA.

Article extracted from this publication >>  October 7, 1994