Friday Sept. 30: 10:30 am Arambh of Akhand Path at the Gurdwara. Saturday Oct. 1: Pershad & Langer Sewa at residence 10am12:30pm Sewa: Dr,Surinder Singh, Cheema & Family, Path continues at Gurdwara. Sunday Oct.2: Pershad & Langer Sewa al residence 10am12;30pm Sewa S, Satwant Singh Bharoli & Family. Bhog of Akhand Path 10am1pm at the Gurdwara, DiwanKathaKirtan, Sewa by: Mr. Harmail Singh & Mrs. Jasbir Kaur Nijjar & Family. Thursday Oct.6:At Gurdwara 10:30 am Arambh of Shri Akhand Path, 3 days Akhand Path Sewa by S. Balwant Singh Garcha & Bibi Mohinder Kaur Garcha & Family from Oct, 68. Friday Oct.7:Path continues at Gurdwara, Saturday Oct.8: Shri Akhand Path Bhogat the Gurdwara 10amIpm Diwan Kirtan Katha. Sunday Oct.9: Pershad & Langer Sewa at Gurdwara 10amlpm Ardas:”Chachi’s Binhday” Scewa be Amar Singh Gill & Family.
Friday Oct.14: 10:30am Arambh of Akhand Path at the Gurdwara. 3 days Akhand Path Sewa by S. Balwinder Singh Dhillon, his friends & family from Oct.1416. Saturday Oct.15: Anand Karaz ceremony in the new outside hall Tajinder Kaur d/o M/M Sarwan Singh Gosal with Manjiv Raj Singh Sidhu s/o M/M Jagdish Singh Sidhu, Path continues at Gurdwara Sunday Oct.16:Bhog of Akhand Path 10:30amipm at the Gurdwara Sewa by: Sewak families of graduated class students Ardas; Maharaj Ji Da Shukrana. Monday Oct.17:Sangrand Katak 6:309pm Sewa: Gurdial Singh Sanga & Bibi Jasyinder Kaur. Saturday Oct.22: At the Gurdwara (PM) Pershad & Langer Sewa Ardas on Wedding Anniversary Sewa by M/M Mahendar Singh Lallian of Folsom 6;309pm.
Sunday Oct.23:Atthe Gurdwara Pershad & Langer Sewa Ardas on 32nd Death Anniversary of Mata Pritam Kaur Dhaliwal Sewa by Mr. Bant Singh & Bibi Gurbax Kaur Dhaliwal, Saturday Oct.29:At_ the Gurdwara 6:308:30pm Pershad & Langer Sewa Ardas on Binh Blessings of Kaiki “Ashwini Ashpreet” Sewa by Mr. Mohan Singh Dhillon and Bibi Jagjit Kaur Dhillon. Sunday Oct.30; Atthe Gurdwara 10amIpm Pershad & Langer Sewa Ardas: Maharaj Ji Da Shukrana Sewa by M/M Gulchet Singh Pooni & Family.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 30, 1994