Dear Editor,
Mr, Nehru in Glimpses of the World wrote Greek Senators had no more knowledge than a fifth grade student. I wonder what he would say about Indian Supreme Court members. If Indian Justices are on their job to protect the nights and liberty of Indians and’ then justify a law like TADA, I feel sorry for Indians.
TADA is a bad Jaw and so is it’s holding. Free people do not impose laws like TADA on their own
people, Enlightened people know “Bad laws are the worst sort of tyranny.” Liberty on other hand is a thing of the spirit — to be free to worship, to think, to hold opinions, and to speak without fear— free to challenge wrong and oppression with surety of justice, Herbert Hoover. I wonder what is with Indians. They are fearful of their own people, If they believe Laws like TADA and Armed oppression will keep their people together, they are not reading history. When goodness departs from Men and Nations, they invariably come to grief, Nanak. I say. “When Embers catch fire, the smoke disappears.
When Sun appears, the darkness disappears, When the foundation catches the whiff of freedom.
The glorious dooms come tumbling down to disappear!” Narjit B. Singh Anaheim, CA.
Article extracted from this publication >> September 30, 1994