Human mind is a perspective and we continue to live in perspectives, If our perspective for lie is alive, then we are alive. If our perspective dies, we also die. A Sikh who is synonym of Gurmukh ceaselessly looks up 10 the Guru to continuously re fresh his/her perspectives. We cease to be Sikhs when we begin to look to our own instinct based wisdom in order to formulate our perspectives. Then, we become manmukhin Guru’s eyes.
Today, if the perspectives are not lost completely among the Sikhs, they are certainly con fused. As are still, there is preva Jence of *manmukhta’ in our philosophy and undertakings. 11 can be said that, largely, we have either accepted a life of an ant he its or a confused manmukh but still claiming to be Sikhs. We have taken a direction less approach towards our religion, because we have begun to impose religious philosophies with Our understanding the available literature on the Gurmat phi loopy promoted by Sri Guru Granth Sahib.
Discourses and discussions on religious life are becoming eclipsed from most Sikh homes and most Sikh groups because of erroneous and misguided signals from intellectuals in the East and in the West. These intellectuals are often busy in establishing and promoting religion less models in the name of religion. Most Sikh intellectuals and pro fissional have lost the real religious perspectives giving birth to general confusion on our identity and purpose. This calls for a religious war (dharam yud) to reinstate a relationship between Sikh intellectuals and our God and our Guru. The Guru tells us.
While still living in this human body, we can enter into a whole ness relationship between this life and the life hereafter. We must not rest from our efforts of seeking to achieve this relationship. As long as this world will last, you are urged {o listen to some and speak out some on these concerns of great significance, 1661.
We are fortunate that Guru Gobind Singh has ensured us till eternity the ever presence and ever availability of sabd Guru for our guidance. Sri Guru Granth Sahib serves as an inexhaustible spiritual resource that we can utilize for an unending research for answers to our problems of life and to our questions on the true religion. All matters of spirituality that impinge upon our lives and are related to our life issues are elucidated in the body of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Then why continue to write and speak without citations from the Granth and references to the doctrines contained in it.
Man was given a lifelong op port unity to live a full life on this earth and the life thereafter in the Will of God. The path to this blissful existence is assisted and guided by Gurmat. This has been the purpose of the Sikh King Dom described by the Gurus and established by the Guru’s followers.
Banda Singh Bahadur, a con temporary of Guru Gobind Singh and the leader of the Khalsa immediately after the Guru passed away, established the first Sikh Kingdom with capital at Lohgarh in present Ambala district of the State of Haryana in India. On the occasion, he issued the Sikh Seal which was imprinted on the Sikh Raj coin. It was designed in the language of the people and their rulers at the time. The original seal printed in Persian language and Persian script reads as below. sikkah zad br hr do alam, teghinanak vahib ast, fatahigobind Singh shahi shahan, fadli sachcha sahib ast. We hereby proclaim our sovereignty over the worlds, the seen and unseen. The sword of the central doctrine of Nanak destroys the evils of the worlds, the poverty and slavery on this earth, and the sickness of the soul hereafter. The final vie tory in our struggle has been vouchsafed by Guru Gobind Singh, the Harbinger (messenger) of the good tidings of the ever present Grace of God translation by Kapur Singh in Sikhism for Modern Man, pp. 71.
But these purposes and aspects of life fulfillment are becoming aloof from us. We have begun to follow religion less life models proposed by Freud, Michael Jackson, EST’s, and pseudo scienceences such as molecular biology, genetics, artificial intelligence, pharmacotherapy, etc.
Running away from religion is throwing away a treasure of everlasting happiness and bliss. This is the root cause of all human illnesses, miseries and vices, Therefore, Guru asked us (o keep in constant touch with the knowledge of the holy and the divinity of this lie, It is duty of our religious leaders to lay out spiritual life models and set guideposts which are so forcefully emphasized in the Guru Granth Sahib.
Article extracted from this publication >> December 24, 1993