CHANDIGARH: Haryana Chief Minister Bhajan Lal’s claim that the Government of India had agreed to entrust the execution of S.Y.L. canal to the Indian Amy through its Border Roads Organization has sent shock waves among the people of Punjab.

Representing Punjab’s sentiment Inderjit Singh Jaijee a former Akali M.L.A. said the Central action was unprecedented. By involving the army with the controversial political dispute the Congress (I) government had repeated its error first committed by it when the army was sent to crush Sikhs in the Golden Temple in 1984.

No other Akali faction reacted to the Indian government’s reported action although the present Sikh struggle began in 1982 with an agitation against the S.Y.L construction Even Simranjit Singh Mann who at one stage claimed that S.Y.L. demolition was his top priority preferred “to keep quitted on the issue so far

Article extracted from this publication >> September 13, 1991