STOCKTON: Several prominent Sikh and Muslim organizations have strongly condemned the Indian government’s cowardly attack on two trains carrying Pakistani pilgrims in Indian held Punjab.

Ina statement issued by Bhai Daljit Singh Khalsa on behalf of the Panthic Committee (Dr.Sohan Singh) the Indian government was warned to desist from such mischievous actions aimed at bringing the Sikh freedom fighters a bad name and sowing the seeds of discord among the brotherly Muslim Sikh relations.

In similar statements S .Gurcharan Singh Dhillon president World Sikh Organization S Gurtej Singh president Sikh Youth of America the Sikh-Muslim Friendship Society Bibi Amrit Kaur of the Kaur Organization Mr.A.Shaikh President  Kashmir Association of America Dr.Gurinder Singh Grewal President World Sikh News expressed shock and horror at the depths to which the Indian government could stoop. The statements said this calculated move to discredit the Sikh freedom movement was not seen through by even the foreign media. There was a growing desperation in India after its Goebellian anti minority propaganda was seen to be failing. Hence such depraved actions as attacks on unarmed pilgrims. In 1985 the Brahmin Govt bombed a plane of its own flag carrier killing 327 passengers with a similar motive.

The statements asked all Sikhs and Muslims not to be misled but to come closer together against this vicious attacks and grave threats.

Article extracted from this publication >> September 13, 1991