Dear Congressman Solarz:

I am sending you a picture of the Holocaust to remind you how you would feel if you had received a letter something like this;

Dear Friend:

I am writing to you as a strong and committed supporter of Nazi Germany It has been a harrowing several weeks in Berlin as I have been trying to find money for funding the gas chambers and torture camps to Auschwitz and elsewhere to find an ultimate solution to the problem created by the Jews…

Dear Congressman with your political clout and position you may be able to hide the evil face of your Indian friends for some time more and continue to tax the American people to fund their torture camps and brutal police machinery but sooner or later you will have to face the truth just as Hitler and Nazi Germany were successful in hiding the horrors of the Holocaust for some time but ultimately the whole world came to know about them and now Hitler and his friends are the most detested persons.

Congressman also enclosed is a picture just one example of the cruelty of your Indian friends. For more details read the pamphlet Citizens Commission Report which was not written by some paid agents of any party but by such eminent person as the Ex-Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India and a former foreign Secretary and Commonwealth Secretary.

In this report you will find actual eye witness accounts of how the Nazi Hindu mobs attacked and burnt alive Sikh men and children with kerosene and how teenage girls were gang raped by dozens of hoodlums

Mr Solarz you are defending all the Indian govt actions including the most inhuman laws such as TADA which are being used to incarcerate thousands of Sikh youth for years without trial but have you ever asked your Indian friends what law are they applying to these hoodlums policemen and congressman whose names have been openly published in many books for murder rape and arson but who instead of being punished or put to trial are openly walking the streets and have been occupying seats in the Congress I government cabinets. And this is not a solitary case according to the Indian government official admissions at least 3000 Sikhs were butchered alive in this Holocaust of Sikhs in 1984 and inspite of a passage of almost seven years barring one or two solitary cases no one has even been arrested what to speak of getting the punishment called for.

I want to suggest to you that you are not even acting as the best friend of America or India because by continuously blocking the passage of such simple resolutions as allowing the human right organizations such as Amnesty International to visit and independently investigate the happenings in India you are simply trying to hide the truth about bungling policies and lies told by the Indian government to the American tax payers and Indians living abroad. The result is that in 1984 only one state (Punjab) wanted to secede from India now there are at least three states in a similar situations and who knows where India will be if its friends continue to encourage it to hide its human rights record.

If you were a true friend of India rather than obstructing investigations by human rights institutions you would encourage the Indian govt to invite such international bodies and journalists to come and openly investigate the whole truth about the turmoil in India Such independent investigations will Be very   beneficial to your friends either way. If these investigations establish that the Sikhs in Punjab and Muslims in Kashmir or ULFA in Assam are the real culprits and it is really they who are indulging in unwarranted acts of terrorism then the Indian govt will stand vindicated and congressmen like you won’t have to continuously fight legislators for stopping foreign aid to India. If on the other hand these investigations establish that in fact the police and the military personnel employed in these states are indulging in such horrifying acts of torture and fake killings than the Indian govt will know who are the real guilty persons who for their personal benefits are committing atrocities on the innocent citizens and compelling them to resort to violent means. By punishing these greedy criminal elements and addressing other genuine grievances the India government) pacify its angry people and save the county from disaster.

Now I want to leave it up to you what kind of a friend you want to be to the American tax payers and Indian government.

Daljit Singh Jawa

Topeka Kansas

Honorable Congressman Stephen J Solarz

This is to thank you for your letter inviting me to join the Solarz Congressional Club.

Going through your lever I find many facts distorted which I feel duty bound to your kind attention.

The bomb that went off in South India was a bomb intended to explode dynastic rule and its practice of double standards in India.

This incident is different from those in U.S. in mid-60’s the assassinations of John and Robert Kennedy and Dr. Martin Luther King. They stood for justice and liberty for all but Rajiv stood for double standards He is responsible for the massacre of thousands of Sikhs in India His army and other paramilitary forces are responsible for killing of Sikh and Muslim young men in fake encounters and for raping of women of minorities. His black laws are negating freedom and justice. It is a matter of shame and ignorance to put him at /with noble souls like Kennedy and Luther.

Yes Indians wounds are deep. The Indian rulers are ambitious and power hungry. The nationalization of trade and industry (which proved suicidal to Indian economy) and centralization of power which made the dynastic rulers virtual dictators This dynasty exerted such a powerful influence that even a foreign member of this dynasty was not only offered but was persuaded to take the reigns of the country. Had their been no age bar to become a member of the parliament his teenage children would have been sworn in!

Mr Solarz you are probably ignorant of an important fact of Indian History the wooden shoes of a King ruled the country for 14 years.

This was precisely the time when India needed a shake up and only economic sanctions could force India to give up dictatorial practices and replace them with true democracy. Many knowledgeable members of the Congress saw to this and brought certain amendments to the floor but unfortunately people like you made the Congress miss an opportunity to help the people of India.

We Americans want the world to be rid of nuclear weapons and our Congress rightfully cut military and technical aid to India. Isn’t it strange that poverty hidden country like India should indulge in a nuclear arms build-up?

People of Kashmir have been demanding a plebiscite in Kashmir since the Government of India forcibly occupied Kashmir. I would request you to refresh your memory from going through pages of Security Council Record and | am sure that will awaken your conscience and you may feel ashamed for your stand on defeating the Burion amendment for a plebiscite in Kashmir.

How does democracy exist? By eliminating minorities? Do you condemn secession of Baltic States from Soviet Russia? Why the double standard? How can you justify the black laws in Punjab where the onus of proving the guilt or otherwise is shifted to the victim. Any person can be arrested and confined without charges and without any trial for years.

Can you introduce such laws in this country? Try it and see how quickly you will be recalled.

How can you expect support from the Americans of origins from Indian minorities if you cannot do here in U.S. what you support in India.

Your blocking of the refusal of the favored states to India has encouraged the Indian government to continue its atrocities torture My Kith & Kin are exposed to torture and rape by the government and your support for that is very hard for me to understand.

Do you still think that Americans from Sikh & Muslim Community should extend Support to you?

Amrik S Gill

Stockton CA

Article extracted from this publication >> August 16, 1991