WSN Service

CHANDIGARH: General   O.P. Malhotra’s resignation as Punjab Governor is likely to be accepted by the Narasimha Rao Government because it does not want an unwilling man at the helm of affairs in the sensitive state.

General Malhotra had resigned last month following an abrupt postponement of the Punjab election by India’s chief election commissioner T.N. Seshan reportedly at the instance of President Venkataraman as well as the present Prime Minister.

Since Delhi is determined to “resolve” the Punjab problem through military might, it is likely to induct someone who is able to use still greater force against the Sikh youths and in this connection the names of former military, police or intelligence officers are said to be under consideration. Among the probable are Lt General Krishna Rao and Lt General Hoon.

Meanwhile, Delhi is also trying to enlist the support of traditional Akalis to thrash out a new plan along the lines of the Rajiv Longowal accord. The main thrust of the new plan appears to be to hand over power to Alkalis, transfer Chandigarh and a few peripheral areas to Punjab and take away Punjab’s precious water to Haryana. Sikh prisoners will be released to the extent the militant youths fall in line with the Delhi Akali combine’s strategy. The Badal Akali Dal is trying through the good offices of the BJ.P to stop the Central Govt from implementing its reported scheme to debar those pleading for separatism from contesting elections. It is felt by Badal Alkalis that the scheme will put them on the defensive as “Centre’s agents” in the eyes of common Sikhs and is unnecessary owing to the fact that most militants are inclined to boycott the elections, in any case.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 19, 1991