NEW DELHI: The Jammu and Kashmir state government June 9 said, it was prepared to discuss modalities for a “satisfying resolution” of the kidnapping of the Indian oil crop’s executive di- rector, K Doraiswamy and would await a response from his captors, an official spokesman here said, “The state government hopes that the kidnappers will not act in haste and will release Doraiswamy un- harmed”, he said,

“The state government hopes that the kidnappers will not act in haste and will release Doraiswamy un- harmed”, he said.

Since Doraiswamy was kid- napped on June 28, consistent efforts have been made by the stale government to secure his safe release, the spokesman said.

During these days there have been contacts with the kidnappers over telephone and through intermediaries, he said.

The state government has been flexible and reasonable in its approach and has conveyed its willingness to meet their demands to a substantial extent, he added.

A Srinagar report says: Jammu and Kashmir state government appealed to Doraiswamy’s kidnappers “not to act in haste”. The appeal came through radio Kashmir, which functions from New Delhi, barely four hours to go for the deadline set by the captors.

Quoting an official spokesman of the government in Jammu, the radio said “government is ready to talk to the militants” and resolve the issue.

Ikhwan- Ul -Muslimeen, the militant outfit holding Doraiswamy for the 12th day Tuesday ruled out any extension of the deadline.

The outfit informed through their spokesman on Monday: “if the government is interested in safe return of Mr.  Doraiswamy, it should announce through Doordarshan or radio whether they accept or reject our demands be- fore the deadline of 1300 hours Tuesday.”

IOC executive director Doraiswamy, 58, was abducted when he was inspecting a site of a kerosene depot on June 28 at Balahama-Zewan, 15 km from here.

Meanwhile, life came to a standstill in Srinagar and other parts of the valley Tuesday following a strike called by militant organizations.

They alleged that 113 innocent youths arrested from the valley were shot dead by security forces at Doban-Kherhama near Lolab in Kupwara district on July 3 & 4.

Militants firec rockets at least two police training schools in the valley since July 8 and fired at many of their pickets. But there were no reports of casualties.

Article extracted from this publication >> July 12, 1991