NEW DELHI: Human Resource Development minister Arjun Singh will lead the Lok Sabha (lower house) while the home minister S B Chavan would be lead the party in Rajya Sabha.

Arjun Singh has been nominated as the leader of the Lok Sabha, a Post generally occupied by the Prime minister, because Premier Narasimha Rao is not member of either of the two houses of parliament,

Announcing this the minister for parliamentary affairs, MrGhulam Nabi Azad, said Wednesday that Arjun Singh and Chavan were nominated by the prime minister in his capacity as leader of the Congress-I parliamentary party.

Referring to the controversy relating to resignation of P Shiv Shanker as leader of Congress (I) in Rajya Sabha, Azad said the matter was blown up out of proportion, He said the leader of Rajya Sabha is always a minister.

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