Bhai Dhyan Singh, a poor farmer as he was, raised Rs, 600, instead of Rs.500. He told Har Gopal next morning: ‘If you have faith in the Guru’s word and his souvenir which is priceless beyond word and thought, do keep it with you, with all the love and reverence it deserves. But # you have no faith and value money more than the divine Word, do let us have the honor of keeping the iron ting with us, while you can have Rs.600 from me, instead of Rs.500. But be assured that I do not wish to deceive you by depriving you of the priceless gift of the Guru,  implore you still to realize that pricelessly precious is the Guru’s gift and invaluable his command.”

Har Gopal’s face began to glow with joy as he pocketed the money. Bhai Dhyan Singh and his wife stood before him reverently and with great humility to receive the invaluable gift.

Har Gopal thought Dhyan Singh a fool for paying Fis.600 for an iron ring, which was of no intrinsic value. So he gave them the ring without any hesitation, and with it the Guru’s Word.

Dhyan Singh’s Insight

Very few among men are gifted like Bhai Dhyan Singh-4tew indeed, who has the insight to see the value of the priceless gifts of the Guru and the fathomless words of his command. Objects above material value and priceless. Bhai Dhyan Singh had the gift of realization that one who hearkens to the divine Word within his sprit undoubtedly enriches his mind and soul-his price is above gems and jewels.

When, at last, Har Gopal reached home, he related the entire episode to his father. He described at length how he had felt close to the Guru and Divinity for a short while during his stay at Anandpur and how the spell had been unable to withstand his own misbeliefs and faithlessness. He justified his action in parting with the Guru’s gift off the iron ring, saying that it was but a worthless piece of iron compared to the precious gold bracelets which he had presented to the Guru. He was proud of his timely wisdom, and told his father that he had recovered the lost fortune, because of the ignorance of a foolish farmer. His father heard the story and was full of grief at what his son had done. He rebuked him but could not reconcile himself to the tragedy of the situation, He moaned, ‘Son, I sent you to trade in Truth’ but you have traded in falsehood,’

Kabir saith what can the true Guru do,

If the disciples are wanting in themselves,

The blind can see not the light

The bamboo hollow within can retain nothing,

However hard one may blow in it.

Fortune’s Ebb and Flow

The avaricious and self-willed Har Gopal would not heed his father’s wise counsel, But favored him. His business prospered and his wealth increased day by day. Money and success turned his head. His pride and arrogance increased. He was full of conceit and gloated over his intelligence that brought him prosperity.

After some time, however, his luck deserted him, and his business began to dwindle. He lost all the wealth that he had accumulated, All that he undertook by way of improving and prospering his business brought him further joss and resulted into failure. He wondered how his skill and intelligence could fail to bring him the success he had hitherto enjoyed He was reduced to extreme poverty. In adversity, he turned to his father, and sought his advice.

Father’s Counsel

His father enlightened him with truth, saying: ‘My son, if man’s intelligence is perfection in itself, man would be all-knowing-there would be no higher realms of knowledge and creation beyond his perception and all the intelligent persons would have been always successful, But there is a background of the nature which is beyond the grasp of intellect, So there remains the fact, that man’s actions, however intelligent and skilled are always governed by God’s Will, even our intellect is a gift of God. We can see because of His having given us eyes and we can work because of His having giving us hands and feet. Our bodies and all that we have are given by Him. When He is the ultimate source of all power and energy in us, there can be nothing that we can boast of. No doubt He has given free will to man and man thinks, reasons, labors and makes ceaseless efforts to achieve his end, but there is the divine factor also that counts. If it is favorable, man’s efforts are crowned with success, but if it is unfavorable, there is failure. Man must work consistently and diligently and use all his faculties to achieve his objective, but the ultimate result is in the hands of God. Everything is under His command, and it is based on our deeds, present and past. He meets out justice and rewards for all our actions, past and present. When in comfort, we forget God; but when in distress, we seek Him, Therefore, God in His mercy administers the medicine of adversity to those ailing in the comfort of prosperity, The misery that has befallen you, my son, is therefore a blessing in disguise. I thank the Guru for sending you a timely awakening that you may begin to seek God.’

Har Gopal: Kindly tell me how I may be rid of poverty and affliction, so that I may make a living again,’ Father: ‘Our Fifth Guru Arjan says:

It one is weak and is afflicted by hunger and nudity And hath no money on him and none is there to give him


No desire of his fulfilled; no work of his accomplished if he in his heart, bethinketh the absolute Lord, he

getteth eternal rule.

Sri Rag: Guru Anan

Further, in another hymn, he says:

Dwell on Him alone, O mind, who is the hope of all. Shed all thy cleverness, and take to the Feet of the


Meditate O my mind, on the Devine Name, in peace and.


Day and night call thou on thy God and utter His praises


Seek his refuge, O my mind, Whom no one equals;

Meditating on Whom thou gatherest peace,

and pain and woe touch thee not;

Yea, serve thou thy Lord, they True Master ever and for

ever more,

If we join the society of the holy, we become pure and

the noose of yoma is loosed,

Pray thou to the Lord, the Giver of joy, the Destroyer of fear On whomsoever God looketh with mercy, all his deeds come right

For, He is the greatest of the great, His place is the

highest of high,

He is beyond colour, beyond sign, beyond value.

Have mercy on Nanak, O Lord, bless with Thy True


Sri Rag Guru Arjan

Forgiveness And Reconciliation

Har Gopal beaged his father to take him & Guru and obtain forgiveness for his sins. Bishamber Das _ set forth with his family tor Anandpur, They stopped at Chankaur to meet Bhai Dhyan Singh. Har Gopal’s father entreated Dhyan Singh to accompany them on their journey to Anandpur.

The Master, when he saw them all coming, smiled, As usual, they were received very cordially. One day, finding a suitable opportunity, Bishamber Das narrated he story of his son’s faithlessness and craved for the Guru’s pardon, So did Dhyan Singh. Har Gopal, whose mind was now free from all impurities of doubts and misgivings prostrated in utter humility at the feet of the divine Master. Guru Gobind Singh blessed him with all happiness and prosperity. He also bestowed Nam upon him. Har Gopal now a transformed man, was, filled with perpetual bliss, and lived as a devoted disciple of the Master throughout his life. Bhai Dhyan Singh was privileged to receive the Guru’s highest pleasure and added blessings. The Master blessed Bishamber Das also with immortal felicity and joy. See God in all, love all, and serve all. Thus you adore God.


Article extracted from this publication >> April 12, 1991