UNITED NATIONS: A proposal by western nations to create a United Nations administered safe haven inside Iraq along its borders with Iran and Turkey for Kurds fleeing Baghdad’s repression has raked up a major controversy with several diplomats saying that the action could set a dangerous precedent for the future PTI reports.

The council discussed the idea informally Monday and diplomats said Britain is trying to concretize the idea and is expected to present it to the council members during the next few days.

Though the proposal is being vehemently opposed in the council by several member states diplomats said a resolution incorporations the idea would surely be carried as western nations could easily muster the nine votes needed in the 15-member council for such are solution to be adopted.

China the only member who could veto the proposal is unlikely to vote against and may only abstain

Coming out of the consultations diplomats refused to commit themselves saying they were awaiting instructions from their capitals

In recent says the United States has been lobbying in capitals before presenting a proposal in the council.

Several questions remained unanswered including how the area would be administered and for how long. Fears are however being expressed that if the proposal is accepted it might in effect settle there are likely to resist any attempt to hand it back to Iraq.

Though it was being explained that the area would be administered by the civilian force a senior diplomat speaking on the condition of anonymity said that it is mostly likely to be a police force. Some agency would be needed to maintain order in the area he said.

Things would become clear as a concrete proposal is presented and if the usual procedure is followed the five permanent members may finalise the details before formally presenting it to the council.

The council had met to discuss among other things humanitarian: aid to Kurdish people as Iran said around 772000 Iraqis have crossed over its border areas and more are coming. Besides hundreds of thousands have fled into Turkey creating a major humanitarian problem in the region hundreds of fleeing refugees including women and children are reported to have died while trekking to the border

Kurds said to be about 25 million in number are spread over border areas of several states including northern Iraq Turkey Iran and the Soviet Union.

They had revolted after the United States-led coalition declared a ceasefire in the hope that the United States would help them overthrow the regime of President Saddam Hussein.

But the American help did not come and using helicopters and tanks the Iraqi army crushed the revolt within days resulting in tens of thousands of Kurds fleeing to neighboring countries for shelter.

Article extracted from this publication >> April 12, 1991